Today, comedian Stephen Kruiser questioned what he said are logical inconsistencies of those pro-aborts who also try to help scare everybody with the “settled science” of man-made climate change and their accompanying disaster scenarios:
We're supposed to freak out over computer models of climate change but ignore an embryo's scientifically proven trip to humanity?
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
Shorter Democrats: Climate computer models: SCIENCE. Embryo in the womb: RELIGION. #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
Kruiser said the inconsistencies could be easily pointed out but establishment Republicans just won’t do it:
The progs are so anti-science it's easy to prove, but the GOP Establishment is too mad at conservatives to make the case. #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
Kruiser continued:
Btw, almost every "ZOMG-THE POLAR BEARS ARE GONNA DROWN!" computer model has been proven wrong. So there's that. #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
If you posit that computer models of climate are real you can't deny that human embryos are human beings. #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
Pretty much everything that progressives champion is logically inconsistent. We need to highlight that better. #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
"This storm is evidence of the apocalypse. This human embryo is evidence of nothing."~Democrats ##KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
Force the progs to logically reconcile their investment w/ climate change models & "This embryo isn't a human being." #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
Dear Dems, Explain to me how climate change models are real but the SCIEINTIFICALLY proven human embryo path isn't. #KruiserFeelings
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) May 11, 2014
Many agreed with Kruiser, but somebody on the “alarmist” side of wouldn’t accept the connection:
@stephenkruiser You're comparing proverbial apples & oranges. Not all Dems are pro-choice. But when Miami looks like Venice, you were warned
— Stony Creek News Svc (@StonyCreekNews) May 11, 2014
‘F*cking cretins’: Comedian Stephen Kruiser tears into libs for Benghazi ‘jokes’
Comedian Stephen Kruiser smacks GOP for another unbelievably asinine mailer [pics]
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