One hundred years ago today Vladimir Lenin, father of one of the most brutal and corrupt dictatorships in the history of the world, shuffled from this mortal coil. A communist revolutionary and avowed Marxist, Lenin as leader of his Bolshevik Party was personally responsible for ordering a series of measures that has become known as history as 'The Red Terror' during which were as many as '28,000 executions per year (were carried out) from December 1917 to February 1922'. Beyond that, as Investopedia describes the events of Vladimir Lenin's rule over Russia, 'Lenin's revolution, the resulting civil war and famines, and the brutal domestic repression that he led against dissidents and scapegoats directly led to the deaths of over 8 million citizens of the Russian Empire, many by starvation, torture, or summary execution'.
So the man has an incredibly high body count and it's hard to imagine why anyone would be lamenting his passing from this earth... but in pinko circles apparently the passing of a man who should by all rights be viewed as one of history's greatest monsters is something to lament. Because they're insane.
Today, on the centenary of his death, we fondly remember Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the first socialist nation, leader of the Bolshevik Party, and architect of the October Revolution.
— Challenge (@ChallengeYCL) January 21, 2024
'Fondly' might be an overstatement, given the generation reaction to their post.
Here’s to one hundred more years of burning in hell!🥂
— Sarah 🥨 (@cosmopterix) January 21, 2024
I hope where he is hurts a lot 🥳
— 🍹 Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock (@kimmie_c_) January 21, 2024
May Vladimir Lenin suffer eternal torment in the fires of hell, alongside Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and every other ideologue responsible for mass oppression, mass murder and genocide.
— David Krae ~ PublicEnemy#246011111 (@DavidKrae) January 21, 2024
Yes, Lenin (and his successor Joseph Stalin, whose dictatorship was made possible by Lenin's Revolution) are in rare company indeed as far as sheer numbers of people who died because of their direct actions. 'Fondly remembered' indeed.
".. we fondly remember the father of oppression, genocide, and famine."
— Sean Agnew (@seanagnew) January 21, 2024
You are fondly remembering a vile creature. Which says quite a bit about you, and none of it is good.
— Chesterton_Report (@Veritas_Curat7) January 21, 2024
You should change your name to Challenged
— ℙ𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 (@SumDumHoe) January 21, 2024
Given that Challenge is apparently a publication of the 'Young Communist League of Britain since 1935' we'd agree that 'Challenged' would be a more appropriate name for them, yes.
I, too, remember the death of this monster fondly.
— Fuzzy Chimp 🇺🇸 (@fuzzychimpcom) January 21, 2024
Happy to fondly remember his death. Dying was the best thing he ever did.
— Domestic Extremist (@RussianMeddler) January 21, 2024
Socialism: Kills millions because it's never been done perfectly.
— Death's Guinea Pig 5.0 🟦 (@MakiTheFeral) January 21, 2024
Capitalism: Makes millions prosperous even though it's never been done perfectly.
That's more or less the mindset of your average 'Tankie' in a nutshell, yeah.
Today is the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Lenin becoming a good communist.
— Will, the Teruo Nakamura of Burgum stans (@spudhawg) January 21, 2024
He was a mass-murdering, imperialist tyrant who ushered in one of the most brutally oppressive regimes in human history, and the world is better off without him and the world’s first socialist nation.
Vladimir Lenin was a bloodthirsty authoritarian who put people in concentration camps & murdered countless others for the crime of disagreeing with him.
— Billy Binion (@billybinion) January 21, 2024
Worshiping people like this is how history repeats itself. The epitome of ignorance.
Ah yes, we fondly remember a murderous tyrannical socialist dictator that proved communism is a trash system that doesn’t work no matter how many of your own people you murder
— The Dank Knight 🦇 (@capeandcowell) January 21, 2024
But 'Real Communism/Socialism has never been tried!' Uhuh, sure.
Happy DEATH day to one of the most evil humans to ever exist. It happened 6 years too late. Should have happened in 1917 when he was leading the Bolsheviks.
— Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus (@mwilliams433) January 21, 2024
A result of a redwashed education system is that Lenin could be remembered 'fondly.' Instead, lets recall the Red Terror, violent suppression of revolts, forced collectivization, the Cheka, and his contributions that led to the Holodomor under Stalin.
— Yuri Bezmenov's Ghost (@Ne_pas_couvrir) January 21, 2024
Lenin was an evil person- not to mention syphilitic- whose ideas birthed the bloodiest “revolution” that murdered over 100 million globally & oppressed countless millions more—including members of my family.
— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) January 21, 2024
Good riddance and may he burn in hell a century after his death. 🔥
Syphilis? Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
In extreme left circles trying to lionize these horrifying tyrannical figures like Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Ernesto "Che " Guevara is an ever-present undercurrent. It's a reminder that despite often claiming that they're for peace the history of communism and socialism as an ideology by which people are ruled is a long and bloody one at this point, and it never works out in the end. Unlike capitalistic Democratic systems that can (in theory) operate while vying political ideologies jockey for position within them, true Socialism and Communism require unanimous consent of those being ruled, a consent that is never gained by force but is gained by brutal repression.
Communists don't want to get along, and they don't care that people are dying... they care that the wrong people are dying. But from where we sit... one hundred years ago today exactly the right person died when Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, known to history as Vladimir Lenin, kicked the bucket and made the world a better place by no longer being in it.
May he spend eternity getting what he deserves.
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