We've written about schools a bit today: schools that cover up rapes, schools that transition children without their parents' knowledge, and schools that apparently hire raving lunatics. Public school isn't looking good to a lot of people right now, which has the progressives up in arms. The school choice movement helps get children out of the liberal indoctrination factories that are public schools, but public schools cry that school choice takes taxpayer money and directs it toward private schools. And that's why public schools are failing so many children; they just don't have the money, and now people want to destroy public schools with school choice.
The New York Times has done a feature on a new book by Cara Fitzpatrick and asks, "Is school choice destroying public education?" The answer is "not quickly enough."
No: Teachers unions, critical race theorists, radical gender activists, and left-wing pedagogists destroyed public education. Next question. pic.twitter.com/tGMV02TIeY
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) September 11, 2023
Amen to that.
— The Rosary Strangler (@realWendellWard) September 11, 2023
and the good teachers are bailing out as soon as they can -- the poor and mediocre teachers are doing as little as possible as they whine they don't get paid enough for their 180-day work year
— 🇺🇸 JimAaron 🇺🇸 (@ArOkTxNm1) September 11, 2023
The New York Times:
— And Don't Call Me Shirley. (@Meme_Behavior) September 11, 2023
Are Fire Extinguishers Causing Houses to Burn Down? pic.twitter.com/WSW67nOmOA
They never stop to ask why people don't want to use the public school system.
— Henry Jones Jr. (@hnryjonesjr) September 11, 2023
School choice wouldn't be a hot button issue if so many schools weren't failing students. Baltimore is a perfect example. It spends $21k, up from $16k, per student and yet 23 schools didn't have a single student proficient in math. Every American should find this unacceptable.
— Chloe in Texas (@ChloeChloeChl19) September 11, 2023
Why is "public" education even a thing? Just because something isn't run by the government doesn't mean it isn't universally available.
— Kurt Fagerburg (@kurtfagerburg) September 11, 2023
And if it is run by the government its quality is universally low.
they did this themselves pic.twitter.com/NuWCWPQYZf
— I got Myxomatosis (@GoonShyRyan) September 11, 2023
Perfect opportunity for some A B testing - measure those with school choice and measure those without, and compare the outcomes after 1-2 years.
— The Tuscan (@tuscantony) September 11, 2023
I'm prepared to bet..
What if they just focused on teaching: math, reading, and writing as opposed to all this other crap? Bet you some kids might actually learn something.
— Joseph Sands (@JosephSand35747) September 11, 2023
Don't forget about equity, which is why some schools have done away with advanced math classes — let's trap the kids with a higher aptitude in general math so no one feels bad.
School choice is the response to government schools being terrible, not the cause.
— Tim (@ratiphi) September 11, 2023
No. Public schools are destroying children’s minds with indoctrination. Dismantle public schools. School choice is the answer if you want your children to use their minds productively and thrive in a safe environment
— Margie 🇺🇸 (@ThunderMarg) September 11, 2023
Decouple personal property taxes from the local school district tax revenue pool, and these neomarxist grifters will magically disappear on their own.
— Hecato Rhodes 🇺🇸 (@RhodesHecato) September 11, 2023
And follow Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' lead and make it so union dues aren't automatically deducted from teachers' paychecks. Make all of the teachers write a check to the union every year.
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