As many have observed on here, if there are really 132 genders, then why are people only given two choices for a sex change operation? What does the "B" in LGBTQ stand for"? Bisexual, of course, or someone who's sexually attracted to both genders. (That's why those pansexuals have to fight harder to get "P" added to the alphabet.)
United States District Judge Indira Talwani decided that a student from Nichols Middle School in Massachusettes had no case against his principal, who ordered him to remove his "There Are Only Two Genders" T-shirt. Why? Because the school's dress code was undertaken to "protect the invasion of the rights of other students to a safe and secure educational environment."
"School administrators were well within their discretion to conclude that the statement 'THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS' may communicate that only two gender identities — male and female — are valid, and any others are invalid or nonexistent, and to conclude that students who identify differently, whether they do so openly or not, have a right to attend school without being confronted by messages attacking their identities," the judge wrote. No shut up and attend the mandatory Pride Month assembly.
Bonkers ruling—
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) June 17, 2023
Federal judge in Massachusetts says a shirt that reads “there are only two genders” is not protected speech and “invades the rights of others.”
The ruling is about limits on free speech in schools, to clarify.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) June 17, 2023
As someone who grew up in the USSR getting her teeth drilled without novocaine the idea that today’s US kids complain and prohibit— with the help of judges— another kid from wearing a shirt stating a scientific fact b/c it hurts their feelings is just 😑
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) June 17, 2023
That T-shirt could hurt someone's feelings.
Here is a background on this story.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) June 17, 2023
Very predictable outcome. Is there any other resource for them, or is that decision final? I'm genuinely curious.
— Mr. J. Sosa (@jsosa_teacher) June 17, 2023
Court of Appeals and then SCOTUS
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) June 17, 2023
WT absolute F?
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) June 17, 2023
When there is no more absolute and objective foundation to morality, the legal system becomes reduced to a means to control and maintain power. Judges easily become agents of the ruling elites to forward their agenda or lose their power.
— JackTheRooster 🐓 (@Jack_TheRooster) June 17, 2023
Democrats: There is no law, only feelings
— Sam Stone (@SamThePol) June 17, 2023
Use this ruling to sue schools that allow students wearing pro-LGBT apparel as it infringes on the safety and security of the sincerely held beliefs of Christian and Muslim students…
— The Omega (@TheOmega_010) June 17, 2023
This is exactly the kind of speech that is most protected by the First Amendment. “Offensive” political speech. I’m surprised someone named Judge Indira Talwani doesn’t have more reverence for the First Amendment.
— DaltonBro (@OnlyfansisOP) June 17, 2023
if this is the case, then i think a suit should be brought to have Pride stuff taken out of schools as this is discriminatory of straight, non-trans children based on their protected sexuality and gender identities.
— Sara Higdon (@SaraHigdon_) June 17, 2023
The best part is where they interpret the shirt precisely as it was intended.
— Preston (@skeeballchamp22) June 17, 2023
So really, the T-shirt precluded the right of unspecified students not to have their feelings hurt over a scientific fact? What are the science classes at this school like, we wonder.
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