Get woke, go broke. Here’s a bank in the United Kingdom that’s actually directing customers to close their accounts and move their money elsewhere if they have a problem with the bank putting pronouns on employees’ nametags. It all started with Halifax Bank posting a photo of a nametag reading “Gemma (she/her/hers).” Why? Because pronouns matter.
Pronouns matter. #ItsAPeopleThing
— Halifax (@HalifaxBank) June 28, 2022
For a moment there, I was hoping this was a joke photo on a parody account, then I saw the verified tick 🤔 now I'm thinking I should close my Halifax account and take my money elsewhere
— Welsh (@Southwalesaudit) June 28, 2022
Hi, I'm Lee. At Halifax, we strive for inclusion and equality. Giving our colleagues the option to add their pronouns on their badge, helps to create an inclusive environment for our customers and colleagues.
— Halifax (@HalifaxBank) June 28, 2022
Um, Lee? What are your pronouns so we can properly write about you? You’ve kind of put us in an awkward position.
It does nothing of the sort, Lee. There’s no ambiguity about the name “Gemma”;I t’s a female person’s name. In other words, it’s pathetic virtue signalling and is seen as such by almost everyone who has responded to the initial tweet. Why are you trying to alienate people?
— Warren Richman #IFB #Patriot (@WarrenRichman) June 28, 2022
We strive for inclusion, equality and quite simply, in doing what’s right. If you disagree with our values, you’re welcome to close your account. ^AndyM
— Halifax (@HalifaxBank) June 28, 2022
Now Andy’s mixed up in this. What are Andy’s pronouns?
When the cult of woke is more important to a business than generating returns for shareholders, it’s time to get worried.
— Calvin (@calvinrobinson) June 28, 2022
I’ve got two mortgages, two junior ISA’s and my ISA with Halifax. They’re all pretty easy to move but it seems incredible that it is actually being suggested that I do this. I really hope this is just some silly social media intern because this can’t be their policy.
— Slarty Bartfast (@DatCatDer) June 28, 2022
Hi Andy, I’m a Halifax shareholder. Why are you addressing customers in a way that won’t maximise profits? Please respond.
— Rachel Edney (@redney71) June 28, 2022
Any idea when a grownup will be back in charge of the Twitter account, AndyM?
— Alan Henness (@zeno001) June 28, 2022
Hi "AndyM".
I've just been in touch with your customer service team and they were NOT happy to hear that you're using the Halifax account to spread political messages and telling people who disagree to close their account. Several higher ups have apparently been informed now.
— Vic VicinityThree (@VicinityThree) June 29, 2022
You’d actually say that drivel to your customers? Well Andy, could I take your last name so I can quote it when I write to the Halifax to close my longstanding business account and remove my home and contents insurance from the Halifax? Thanks.
— Cornwall7000 ⛵️🐕 (@cornwall70001) June 28, 2022
Will do, thanks for the recommendation.
— Roy G. Bivens (@roybiv566) June 29, 2022
Cool. Perfect. Brace yourself for closed accounts. Well done.
— BernieMayall (@MayallMMent) June 29, 2022
I couldn’t care less about what people have on their name badge but I have a huge problem with this attitude to customer service
— Victoria Bailey (@Shigglewiggle) June 29, 2022
This is a sound strategy for a bank.
— Bass (@LetDaBassComeIn) June 29, 2022
This will work out well.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) June 29, 2022
No problem, strange business decision on your part to put virtue signalling before customers. Good to see inclusion means 'but only if you agree with what we think', as always. Why are the 'Be Kind' lot always the opposite of inclusive?
— kmw (@kirstywakeling) June 28, 2022
Do you have the authority to say this? You pick a fight with the vast majority of people, and cancel those who see the virtue signalling for what it is. You turn business away for people who don’t buy into this nonsense. What an extraordinary hill to choose for a bank to die on.
— Warren Richman #IFB #Patriot (@WarrenRichman) June 28, 2022
So is this the official policy of the bank, or is the intern running the Twitter account just shooting off his/her/their mouth?
Free Beacon reports the US Navy is training personnel with this instructional video about… pronouns
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 20, 2022
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