If you believe former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the reason President Joe Biden said in Poland that Vladimir Putin had to be removed from power was that Biden’s Irish, “and his instinct to internalize human suffering may have overwhelmed him to the point where he was not careful about what he said.”
As Twitchy reported earlier, Biden held a press conference Monday and said he wasn’t walking anything back, even though the White House had walked back his speech in Poland minutes after he wrapped it up. Here we have a closeup of “Tough Putin Q&A Talking Points” in the president’s hand (with the pre-screened questions in bold), and the notes remind him to say that he was expressing the moral outrage he felt toward the actions of this man.
Biden had to have “I was not articulating a change in policy” written verbatim on a notecard so he wouldn’t screw it up… and he still screwed it up pic.twitter.com/OvEwlHQVry
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) March 28, 2022
Sadly, yes, this is real https://t.co/PAsKS1LA0Z
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) March 29, 2022
Let's go Brandon
— simulated Jim (@James23637584) March 28, 2022
Oof. The embarrassing crap continues.
— HawkeyePilot (@HawkeyePilot) March 28, 2022
Please tell me its not real. I cant believe this is our president
— Paulie (@Pauliespasta) March 28, 2022
Isn’t the bigger point that he had the press questions in advance?
— Go Vote 2024 (@GoVote2024) March 28, 2022
The president of the United States is being given the “tough questions” on little cards ahead of time?
— Obi Wan (@BenKenobi_F1) March 28, 2022
Why doesn't Biden have a earpiece and repeat whatever he's been told
— Ray Shore (@RayShore3) March 29, 2022
There are no words. This is so embarrassing.
— Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) March 28, 2022
It’s not embarrassing … we were informed by reliable NeverTrumpers that Biden’s speech in Poland rivaled those of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.
‘Truly painful to watch’: Biden takes questions & tries to spin away his gaffes (yikes) https://t.co/yPD1Xi74mD
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 28, 2022
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