Here’s Oliver Darcy, media reporter for CNN, the network that covered Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s swearing-in ceremony not as a historical moment but as just another potential super-spreader event. Darcy, who must have succumbed to whatever drug CNN puts in their water coolers to make everyone think alike, is criticizing — wait for it — Fox News for explaining that it covers rallies by both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
Equal time is a problem, you see, because Trump uses his time to spread disinformation about the coronavirus, while Biden just lays out the facts.
Here's @BretBaier justifying Fox taking Trump's rallies live, by noting the channel also took Obama and Biden live as well. It's classic bothsidesism. Trump uses air time to brazenly lie and spread misinfo, including about the coronavirus. Obama and Biden do not.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) October 27, 2020
This is true ankle biting.
— VOTE Trump Don't wait til the last minute (@albedobell) October 27, 2020
What lies, specifically, Oliver?
— ?????? ???? ???? ??????? (@TheSuppressed86) October 27, 2020
Wait… huh? This makes zero sense. And @BretBaier just absolutely shredded you and made you look silly. Hes the best in the business. As his ratings show.
— Stan (@VintageStan) October 27, 2020
The irony in your tweets is getting unbearable.
— kelso02 (@kelso2002) October 27, 2020
Oliver Darcy (D-CNN)
— RNS ?? (@RNS_USA) October 27, 2020
What happened to you
— misalew (@misalew) October 27, 2020
We know, right?
That isn't what bothsidesism means, Oliver. When you cover both events by showing them, that's not an example of media bias. That would be only covering one rally, but not the other. Not covering one event because you agree with it politically, and avoiding the other. See: CNN.
— Nick Carroll (@LibertyAndTech) October 27, 2020
CNN offering high and mighty thoughts about news judgment is the joke I needed today. Thanks!
— Charlie Hannema (@CharlieHannema) October 27, 2020
Joe supporter here, lifelong Democrat. I support Bret in this one. The news should cover the speeches of both sides. Even if we don’t like what they are saying. That’s journalism. That’s democracy. I watch CNN plenty, but I can’t side with you on this one.
— TheMamaJuniper (@MamaJuniper1219) October 27, 2020
Sounds like your saying that people can't decide for themselves seeing/hearing what's being said by the candidates.
You just want to show people what YOU want them to see and hear. That sounds a lot like you are being a propagandist.
— Bhess (@Bhess) October 27, 2020
It’s called objectivity Oliver, so I don’t blame you for being confused
— Ben ? (@hayesy316) October 27, 2020
I don't see how it's unfair to air Trump's rallies live when they'd extend the same courtesy to Biden if he ever left his basement.
— KSLawWerewolf (@KSLawWolf) October 27, 2020
He's exactly right. Your job is to show us what they say. That's it. Your thoughts on the matter are not required.
— Judge Smails (@JSmails) October 27, 2020
I’d like to think you’ll reflect on how badly you’re getting raked over the coals for this and, in a moment of clarity, realize you’re the one with the wrong perspective.
— Baron Von Bone (@TheBaro26682644) October 27, 2020
You used to have a shred of dignity, but it’s clearly gone.
— TwoPiece (@twopiece55) October 27, 2020
Imagine being outraged by this.
— J (@1000Steps) October 28, 2020
You’re being quote tweeted into the stratosphere Oliver. Some achievement
— MephistoFish (@mephistofish) October 28, 2020
How dare a news agency air live the speeches of the incumbent candidate, his challenger and their surrogates.
— Bryan Akner (@BryanAkner) October 28, 2020
Don’t be a clown, Oliver
— Andrew Stokes (@DuqDukes2012) October 28, 2020
In 2016 CNN would have the camera on the empty podium waiting for Trump. ????
We can remember that Oli, just like we fan remember you with The Blaze.
— Noah (@reeb1011) October 27, 2020
CNN filmed an empty Trump stand over a huge Bernie Sanders rally.
— AnthonyIsBack (@Anthonyisback33) October 27, 2020
CNN's media reporter complaining that Fox's news side won't make special rules for covering Trump like his network has done explains a lot about the current media environment.
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) October 27, 2020
“Here’s Fox News, airing both candidates equally” is quite the endorsement @oliverdarcy
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 27, 2020
Oliver Darcy defending Barack Obama is as wild as Lincoln dudes doing it now. It will never not be funny.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 27, 2020
Yeah, God forbid people have access to unfiltered information and process it unaided.
Especially credulous rubes without liberal arts degrees.
The horror!
— Isla Adele (@AdeleIsla) October 28, 2020
It just doesn’t seem like they’re airing Biden’s. 14 people standing in hula hoops really doesn’t seem like a rally.
— David Smith (@BoilerDave11) October 28, 2020
Poor Oliver can’t be bothered with the proven lies of Obama “if you like your doctor”, or Biden saying “I had no discussions with Hunter about his business”. Cheerleaders won’t share the truth about their team.
— JustThink41second (@JustThink41sec) October 28, 2020
Oliver is trying to out Tater the Tater.
— Mr Wizard (@TheWizardsQuest) October 27, 2020
Darcy is an embarrassment to himself and to people who care about him.
— Davis (@GIass_Onion) October 27, 2020
CNN’s media tag-team of Darcy and Brian Stelter have long been wrestling with the moral question of covering Trump at all — they have a fact-checker assigned to him while Biden has reporters asking what flavor of milkshake he ordered.
Here’s Baier, the grownup, with the final word:
Thanks for watching Oliver.. we can always count on you to tune in. Did ALL of the cable nets cover all of those speeches LIVE today? I didn't watch. I assume they did to cover an election fairly. Have a good night.
— Bret Baier (@BretBaier) October 27, 2020
ARGLE RAR BARGLE! Brian Stelter rages at Trump for ‘weaponizing 60 minutes interview’ because only MEDIA should be able to do that
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 22, 2020
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