It’s the Republican National Convention, so not only will those in the mainstream media with the official title of fact-checker be calling out all the lies; everyone in the media will be fact-checking every speaker. Take CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who fact-checked the Republicans’ video praising President Trump’s response to the coronavirus:
RNC video praising Trump on the virus omitted all the times he said it would disappear, his praise of China’s handling of Covid, pushed states to reopen prematurely, and encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 25, 2020
He encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants? Was that before or after he told people to ingest fish tank cleanser?
Show the video and prove it.
— matt’s idea shop (@MattsIdeaShop) August 25, 2020
1. You're right. It's weird a politician wouldn't include things that make him look bad at his party's convention.
2. You're a lying hack he never did that.
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) August 25, 2020
For real with the bogus inject themselves story?
— Ms Van Winkle (@winkle_ms) August 25, 2020
For a "journalist", you sure like pushing false narratives.
He never, not once, ever suggested people inject themselves with disinfectants. That conversation is easily reviewed, proving you are lying.
— E’s Amazing Flea Circus (@The_Original_E_) August 25, 2020
“encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants” This is a blatant lie…@CNN should be ashamed
— Vendabo (@Vendabo) August 25, 2020
“Reopening early” is editorializing, and Trump never told Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants, but why should we expect accurate reporting from a *checks notes* White House reporter?
Jim Acosta (D-CNN)
— Max Nordau (@MaxNordau) August 25, 2020
" encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants."
Fact check: 1000 pinocchios lie
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) August 25, 2020
He never encouraged them to inject themselves… #FakeNewsAlert
— Phil (@_Phil_______) August 25, 2020
"encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants"… you're not only a non-reporter working for a sham Network but you tell BLATANT LIES.
— Pags (@KidPags) August 25, 2020
"encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants"
This is a GIANT lie by you, Jim."pushed states to reopen prematurely"
Prematurely is a MATTER OF OPINION.Good grief, you're insufferable.
— ?? doctorcherokee ?? (@doctorcherokee) August 25, 2020
This is clearly disinformation: the President never "encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants."
— Joseph Bevilacqua (@joebev49) August 25, 2020
#CNNisFakeNews Our President never told anyone to inject themselves with disinfectant. @christinacuomo_ did take a bleach bath though ??
— 4 MORE YEARS (@CNNMeltdown305) August 25, 2020
"…encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants."
That's an outright lie.
— Tested Negative for Coronavirus 2x J.G. Petruna (@jgpetruna) August 25, 2020
Dude – he did NOT tell Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants. Watch the clip – he asked the doctors a question. Fucking lies. And THAT is why nobody trusts CNN anymore. Want proof? Look at your ratings.
And the fact that you are still hyping fear is disgusting
— SilentMajorityDan (@DanMajority) August 25, 2020
OMG Jim. Don’t be stupid he never told people to inject themselves. That one has been debunked time and again. Would you rather he be hysterical or positive? Telling us it will go away is a good thing. You can do better than this.
— MartiniJ (@MsMartiniJones) August 25, 2020
Not anymore he can’t.
Quit lying about the “inject themselves with disinfectant” it’s making you look even more ignorant than ever.
— Don Stanfill (@DonStanfill) August 25, 2020
How can you expect people to take you seriously as a journalist with the "encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants" lie?
— AshleeLee (@MsAshleeLee) August 25, 2020
"Encouraged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants"
You are Fake News, Jim.
— capn (@Capntrades) August 25, 2020
Such a troll. Inject themselves. That is douchebag material jim.
— squirrel (@squirrel_hockey) August 25, 2020
Brian Stelter told us we’d be hearing a lot about fake news during the RNC, and he was right. CNN’s bringing it as always.
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