Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security President Trump’s “stormtroopers,” but in a follow-up tweet she also referred to them as Trump’s “secret police.” A quick search of Twitter also finds Bette Midler, Rob Reiner, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Ron Wyden, Gov. Kate Brown, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Rep. Ted Lieu, and others all using the phrase, “secret police.” We’ve seen as many claims that the federal agents are unmarked as we’ve seen photos of the patches on their arms, backs, and chests reading “Police.”
Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf has been tweeting often about his force of secret police, seen in the photo with the reflective “Police” identifier on their uniforms. Does camouflage trigger liberals like black rifles do?
This headline and others like it are grossly inaccurate & irresponsible.
Our officers are not "paramilitary." They are civilian law enforcement doing their job — enforcing federal law.https://t.co/BFbKVw9O12
— Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) July 23, 2020
The Washington Examiner’s Byron York has a question with an easy answer: Why has the term “secret police” caught on in the media and among Democrats?
Not sure why many in news and commentary continue to refer to 'secret police' in Portland when Department of Homeland Security says force is from DHS. Department officials hold news conferences to discuss actions. Officials appear on TV to talk about it. They're from DHS.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) July 23, 2020
Really? You’re not sure why? Maybe because it doesn’t fit the narrative?
— LeoTrollstoy© (@SpaceForThePapa) July 23, 2020
" secret police" is like "assault weapon" it just sounds darker
— platospupil (@platospupil) July 23, 2020
They are helping leftist politicians give cover to anarchists to further a political agenda. Their purposeful misinformation when the truth has been repeatedly presented is shameful.
— Dee ?? #BackTheBlue (@chefelf1) July 23, 2020
To throw shade on Donald Trump.
— Sue (@sweeetsue) July 23, 2020
You're not sure why? Really?
— JCrow (@jlc225) July 23, 2020
He’s sure.
You should be sure because the reason they are doing so is obvious
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) July 23, 2020
There is only one reason and it is because it's a Democrat talking point.
The purpose of the Media isn't to accurately convey information about what is actually happening. Their purpose is to tell you how to think so they can program you to act they way they want.
— Lying Dog-Faced Pony-Soldier (@AuburnGirl36849) July 23, 2020
It's all about creating a false narrative. Whether he uses his federal authority to help stop the violence or not. Those who oppose him care about one thing only and that is to make sure he isn't re-elected – by any means possible. Violence, false narratives, misinformation, etc.
— Miguel Granda (@MiguelAGranda) July 23, 2020
Their radical narrative works better by referring DHS as Trump’s troops, Gestapo, secret police, etc.. They can get 2-3 days of filling their news cycle on this subject alone
— John DeMeo (@JDem526) July 23, 2020
By our count, they’re on at least Day 6.
C'mon, man. You know exactly why. It would be more effective if you simply, and honestly, called them out as the lying, leftist propagandists that they are.
See? That wasn't hard at all.
— Robert Anthony (@robgarant) July 23, 2020
It sounds better & adds to the negative narrative about Trump. Its all desperate political BS by the left, MSM is heavily invested in defeating Trump by any means necessary.
— Fred Brown (@FredSkipBrown62) July 23, 2020
The why is easy enough to answer. Why we are allowing/tolerating it however, when it’s plan to see their would-be narrative a lie, is another Q altogether.
— MJ (@futuredci) July 23, 2020
They do it to make Trump's actions seem nefarious and threatening. It fits their narrative of "Orange Man = Bad!" They also use the word "kidnapping" instead of "arresting". It's all about setting the agenda. The people who control the words control the narrative.
— Sophie (@Sophie15593759) July 23, 2020
Because "secret police" sounds scary and bad. MSM is determined to contribute to the chaos and anarchy in any way, as long as they can make our President look bad.
— JanCan (@JanC1776) July 23, 2020
Sounds more ominous to call them secret police, stormtroopers, Stasi, KGB and cool stuff like that. #FakeNews doing their thing.
— Sandy Williams MD (@sandytntn) July 23, 2020
BORTAC is the same group Schumer and Cuomo were applauding in 2015 for their efforts in the escaped prisoner David Sweat situation. This is no “secret police.”
— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) July 23, 2020
Control the language to control the argument.
If these news outlets want to turn people against beach lifeguards they could just refer to them as "water police". I'm surprised we haven't heard the term "moral police" being tossed around as a slur.
— Robert Pfeiffer (@truththrulove) July 23, 2020
If everyone knows about them how can they be secret?
— Mike (@w4usnret) July 23, 2020
Good point.
Optics, my friend, and spin. Ever since JFK v. Nixon TV debate.
— Katherine Barrett Baker (@kbsquared1961) July 23, 2020
Oh, Byron, please just follow the narrative!
— Against the Wind (@AgainstTheWhine) July 23, 2020
No name badges—and for good reason. But certainly not “secret police.”
— MAGA Kid (@celanderd) July 23, 2020
It sounds so much more nefarious.
— chris d (@crsmik1) July 23, 2020
Keep the division going!
— deborah green (@NewaiGreen) July 23, 2020
Didn't Adam Schiff show us all how this works? Just keep repeating a lie, regardless of the facts.
— Richard Webb (@Richard37105025) July 23, 2020
For the same reason they continue to call them mostly peaceful protests
— Tweety (@puttytat58) July 23, 2020
C'mon Byron
It's this week's narrative
— Robin Jackson this Boomer ain't buying it (@rjacksix) July 23, 2020
Members of Congress are calling for immediate hearings on these “secret police,” so maybe the secret will finally be out and they can start calling the DHS agents who they really are.
‘Absolutely disgusting’: Nancy Pelosi says ‘Trump & his stormtroopers’ are kidnapping protesters in Portland just because of graffiti https://t.co/0qvV3a65bO
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 18, 2020
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