Not surprisingly, those mainstream media outlets that did cover Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” “gaffe” (looking at you, CNN) have done what they can to circle the wagons, write off the comment as a joke that just didn’t land properly, and move on to the next Trump scandal; i.e., golfing without wearing a mask. Thanks to Twitter, though, journalists can defend Biden any way they see fit. CNN’s Daniel Dale, for example, took Biden’s racist comment and noted that President Trump has called three prominent black journalists dumb this month alone. What this has to do with telling African Americans they’re not black if they’re open to voting for Trump we don’t know.
The president has called three prominent black journalists dumb in the last month alone.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) May 22, 2020
It’s funny that in just the three tweets that Dale has chosen to highlight, Trump also calls Brian Williams “dumber than hell” and Neil Cavuto “garbage.” And Dale missed the tweet where Trump praised Harris Faulkner for her response to Biden’s “you ain’t black” comment … almost as if race wasn’t what Trump has against journalists:
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
So is it OK to call white journalists dumb? Or course not; it’s a dangerous time for CNN’s Jim Acosta, as we all know.
I don’t get your point. You sound kind of dumb.
— Jan5261 (@jan5261) May 23, 2020
The point is deflecting from Biden’s racism.
He calls every journalist dumb, stop trying to make something out of nothing!
— Gerald A (@GmorganJr) May 22, 2020
They're also three prominent dumb journalists.
— Alex S. (@Alex_94706) May 22, 2020
and they are —what is your point ?
— JimW_in_ABQ (@JimW_in_NM) May 23, 2020
Show me where he’s wrong. BTW, you missed the two white guys he called out the same time.
— Rob Womack (@Rojowo) May 23, 2020
He's also called scores of white journalists dumb.
What's your point?
— Sydney Watson (@SydneyLWatson) May 23, 2020
He went after Chris Wallace (white) the same tweet he did Juan Williams. He went after Joe Scarborough (white) and Brian Williams (white) in the same tweet he went after Don Lemon. Dean Baquet runs the NYT and gave a truly dumb reason for refusing to cover the Tara Reade story.
— (((L.N. Smithee))) (@LNSmithee) May 23, 2020
He called them dumb.
YOU are the one drawing a line from dumb to black.
— Tested Negative for Coronavirus 2x J.G. Petruna (@jgpetruna) May 23, 2020
Dude, skin tone is not a form of protection from criticism. He trashes everyone.
— Dobro (@Dobro167) May 22, 2020
How many of them were told they weren’t black because they didn’t support him?
— Pat McMurphy (@mcmurphy_pat) May 22, 2020
He attacks all journalists. He's gone in like 100 times on Acosta
— Scout (@Scoutdomain) May 23, 2020
— China is lying (@jtLOL) May 23, 2020
Enough said.
Remember when you thought you were going to be a journalist?
— China is lying (@jtLOL) May 23, 2020
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) May 23, 2020
This guy can’t do “whataboutism” well at all
— Moses Said It Best (@Matt_Schtick1) May 22, 2020
Is this some lame attempt to play the ‘but Trump’ card to deflect from Biden’s abhorrent comment? Because it feels like some lame attempt to play the ‘but Trump’ card to deflect from Biden’s abhorrent comment.
He makes fun of all of you, Spanky. Color, sex … irrelevant.
— The?FOO (@PolitiBunny) May 23, 2020
— Magills (@magills_) May 22, 2020
IMPEACHMENT NOW AGAIN!— Alexandra Wordskovsky (@PivotHeel) May 22, 2020
#WhatAboutism is suddenly cool.
— Mr. Nuclear Cocaine (@MrNukemCocaine) May 22, 2020
What about the time Biden called his former boss “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”? We could do this all day.
I was wondering how the libs would defend this.. so either you are hypocrites or truly not smart enough to see how different those two things are… your pick.
— Nathan (@Kompday) May 22, 2020
Just need to counterbalance Biden’s statement with something, right? Amazing.
It’s the media’s job. Plus this might be the closest CNN gets to covering Biden’s remark.
WaPo’s Dave Weigel bravely volunteers to help fight Joe Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ fire
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 22, 2020
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