We’re certain Vox co-founder Ezra Klein is fully aware that Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the 2020 race for president, but with the coronavirus on the loose and the markets tanking, he can’t help but think that the senator from Massachusetts would have been really good at handling this kind of unexpected intersection of crises.
The intersection of a complex, unexpected health crisis causing an unusual form of recession is exactly the kind of thing Elizabeth Warren would've been unusually good at handling.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) March 10, 2020
We spent a lot of time debating fixed plans that aren't going to pass, but the president often has to deal with fast-moving crises that require rapid learning, staffing, planning, communication, and coordination, and she's particularly good in those situations.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) March 10, 2020
It was the financial crisis, with all its chaos and uncertainty, that launched her political career in the first place. If the next president is entering into a similar situation, she would've been well suited for it.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) March 10, 2020
Well, she’s still a senator, and if you consider a presidential race to be full of complex and unexpected twists and turns, well, she tried.
Let it go dude. She lost. She didn’t even place. Let’s move on.
— Dean Allman (@DeanAllman) March 10, 2020
Sorry for your loss, Ezra. https://t.co/eYfaZyB7S2
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) March 10, 2020
Thoughts and prayers https://t.co/sjIpBmDPvn
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) March 10, 2020
Stop trying to make fetch happen. https://t.co/2Y8RzXgIoD
— neontaster (@neontaster) March 10, 2020
Question. Does a campaigning for president count as something that requires "rapid learning, staffing, planning, communication, and coordination"?
— Ghost Pournelle (@GhostPournelle) March 10, 2020
Yes, and she fell completely on her face.
— Michael Drew (@MikeDrewWhat) March 10, 2020
Elizabeth Warren had a plan for everything, except winning. https://t.co/iMG40s5O0x
— Siraj Hashmi ? (@SirajAHashmi) March 10, 2020
Counterpoint, she didn't win a single state in the primary, or even come in 2nd. So, she might be good at policy, but not as good at transforming policy into practice. https://t.co/VgNTIZj72J
— Michael (@OmanReagan) March 10, 2020
She calls them creative solutions
— ME Pinecone (@finestone_me) March 10, 2020
— Opinionated Witch (@smokenashes911) March 10, 2020
How on earth would you know? She's an academic. She might spew out a nice word salad, but what would she do? https://t.co/Ky2OWNNfV6
— Oh THAT Guy (@NathanWurtzel) March 10, 2020
That's the theory.
The reality is she couldn't handle a presidential campaign and is currently sulking because she failed so publicly.
— Bethany James Winn ?? (@bethanyjameswin) March 10, 2020
Considering how she handled her campaign I don't know that Warren has proven herself a good manager in a complex situation with a lot of moving parts
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) March 10, 2020
She couldn't even run her own campaign operation. It was a bloated dysfunctional mess that almost ran out of money multiple times. Stop the delusions of Elizabeth Warren grandeur https://t.co/yj0KeESVEg
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 10, 2020
She couldn't even handle getting above 3rd place in her home state…
— Andrew Follett (@AndrewCFollett) March 10, 2020
Because she has so much real world experience in managing complicated logistics?
— Dave Dirty Mongolian Coal (@Aetnerd) March 10, 2020
she couldn’t manage a campaign but she can manage a global pandemic?
— tj detweiler (@dsonoiki) March 10, 2020
A political campaign requires rapid learning, staffing, planning, communication, and coordination, which you claim she's good at, and yet… she bombed.
I mean she really, really bombed. Like a giant stink bomb. Kablooey. Kapow! Boom! https://t.co/5jjj9zu2qI
— FilmLadd (@FilmLadd) March 10, 2020
Nothing is more satisfying than watching people fawn all over a candidate who had all the cred, hype and support, but ran a truly pitiful campaign and then tweet how well she would have planned for the Wuhan virus.
— Sun_Devils 42 (@Vivadiablos) March 10, 2020
If the virus had broken out earlier, she might have had to cancel the selfie lines that were the backbone of her campaign.
?Pathetic take
— AmericanOutlaw (@OldWestOutlaw) March 10, 2020
Can you not?
— Boomieleaks (@Boomieleaks) March 10, 2020
You have the bestest delusions ever!
— Relentlessly Upbeat & Hopeful. Still. (@baletown_crawl) March 10, 2020
Is this dude serious?
— Unwilling to Work (@SageMccallister) March 10, 2020
Don't bogart that joint, man
— P.A. Hummers (@PepeDFrog2) March 10, 2020
I can only think you are being facetious?
— Robin (@Robin74139346) March 10, 2020
i hope she sees this bro
— Look, Fat, go vote for someone else (@jer2911tx) March 10, 2020
She a medicine woman too?
— Sharp (@SwordsATL) March 10, 2020
She’d have a beer with it
— ?♂️The Peasants Are Revolting (@bugmedaddy) March 10, 2020
We have literally no evidence that this is true. https://t.co/brVQX8yfpe
— Luke Thompson (@ltthompso) March 10, 2020
She's never run anything, Ezra.
This is wishcasting— Jon Munce (@jonmunce) March 10, 2020
Liz has 0 leadership experience or qualities.
Senators are legislators, negotiators, not executives
This is obvious to the American people with her 15% showing
— RoninEternales (@RoninEternales) March 10, 2020
Fauxcahontus would *never* have restricted travel as early as Trump did. She would have done NOTHING to secure our borders. Other than that, what would she have done differently? Hm?
— ? Pouncer (@PouncerUSA) March 10, 2020
Unconstitutional Tax on Wealth cures viruses now?
— Charles Mulligan (@CharlesMullig15) March 10, 2020
Yes, Warren's history of producing bankruptcy "research" that was somewhere between incompetent and fraudulent makes her uniquely qualified.
— Canine Defense League (@CanineDefenseLg) March 10, 2020
Can you give me some of what you’re smoking
— Michael Tal (@tichaelmal) March 10, 2020
The amount of disconnect from reality you must have is amazing
— Divs & Comics (@Divs_and_Comics) March 10, 2020
Elizabeth Warren's failure inspires blue-checked clinical psychologist to share how she's robbed her daughter of her childhood in the name of feminism and politics https://t.co/1lZ7QUZKD3
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 6, 2020
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