We hate for anyone to have to listen to Rep. Maxine Waters speak, but you have to watch nearly to the end of this clip to hear her explain why California, which moved up its primary, should have more influence in the Democratic primary. You see, while some candidates are raising money from “thousands of millions” of donors, they’re also flying out to Beverly Hills for fancy parties where they rake in the real money. So if Hollywood is going to contribute so much to Democratic campaigns, why shouldn’t California have more influence?
Dem Rep. Maxine Waters complains that IA and NH are the first caucus and primary.
She says she thinks CA should "have more say" in Dem primary b/c of all the money rich people in Beverly Hills give Dems during “fancy parties” and big money fundraisers.pic.twitter.com/HKPB2PuUFW
— Tommy Pigott (@TCPigott) February 13, 2020
The rich elite Democrats should get the power…not the poor Iowans…they dont even throw the big parties we do
— Jenniferjoy175⭐⭐⭐ (@Jenniferalbail) February 13, 2020
California, the Mike Bloomberg of primary states.
— Polly Karr (@karr_pe) February 13, 2020
Remember when hypocrite Elizabeth Warren was attacking Pete Buttigieg during the debates for holding a fundraiser in some guy’s wine cave? Yep, that was California.
So important… #MadMaxine
— DawnG ?? TRUMP2020 (@dawnegray3) February 13, 2020
Love how she puts down Iowa and New Hampshire. I am sure that the representatives from those states would love to have a chat with her.
— bustersmom (@4bustersmom) February 13, 2020
Good Bye, Maxine, your time has expired ……. Retire Honey…..
— Jennifer (@planotxmimi) February 13, 2020
an embarrassment every time she opens her mouth
— Eman Goldstein (@GoldsteinEman) February 13, 2020
Please keep speaking #Trump2020
— Mel (@MellyGoLightly) February 13, 2020
MSNBC political analyst Zerlina Maxwell says the REAL problem with the Iowa caucus is 'systemic racism' because white kids aren't in cages https://t.co/M72lGN8svf
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 4, 2020
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