This piece aired on “CBS This Morning” a few days ago, but someone at Slate picked up on it and decided to make it a Slate piece. In short, co-host Tony Dokoupil set up a table in a mall, sliced a pie into 10 pieces, and “asked people to divide up those pieces onto five plates representing the poorest, the lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, and wealthiest Americans.”
“It’s very sad. It’s very depressing."
— Slate (@Slate) February 3, 2020
Here’s the piece:
WEALTH INEQUALITY: The richest 1% controls more wealth now than at any time in more than 50 years. But what does wealth inequality really look like?@TonyDokoupil turned America’s economic pie into a real one and asked people a simple question: Who gets what?
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) January 31, 2020
Most people responding to CBS’s piece thought it was brilliant, but did anyone ever suggest that someone might bake another pie, so there’s more pie to spread around for everyone?
Sounds like you baked a whole lotta Stupid in those pies.
— Gene Lamkin (@GeneLamkin) February 4, 2020
Not how it works
— MickeyG (@mickeyglynn) February 3, 2020
Who produced the stuff to make it possible to have a pie in the first place? Not the wealth re-distibutionists, that much is certain.
— Facciamattas Mozzeroni (@FMozzeroni) February 4, 2020
What a crock. First of all, spewing leftist ideology is not the job of a journalist. Journalist are supposed to call "balls and strikes" not offer opinions. Second anyone there with two brain cells to rub together, would have destroyed their argument.
— Jesus Gallardo ?? (@thegoose7777) February 4, 2020
It's depressing to see how many people would rather cry and complain about how much pie they don't have, then to better themselves and become successful enough to earn their pie.
— The Educated Latino (@ncfsoldierboy) February 4, 2020
This is embarrassing.
(@antonydavies / @JamesRHarrigan)— Charles Mulligan (@CharlesMullig15) January 31, 2020
A poor person in the US is wealthier then at any other time in our history. As for the wealth argument, how do you suppose wealth is being computed here? And how, exactly, does it matter? There are the questions that serious people start with.
— James R. Harrigan (@JamesRHarrigan) January 31, 2020
The irony of CBS doing a “wealth inequality” segment with people spending disposable income in a shopping mall is awesome.
— Frosty (@FrostyTakes) January 31, 2020
This is fatally flawed research. Interviewer bias and hostility to economic self-determination renders the piece DOA. He fails to mention that the lowest 20% in America live lives that are the envy of the world.
— Howard Dutra (@hodutra) January 31, 2020
Completely ignores that there is vastly more pie than ever before and the thinnest slice still makes you better off that 99% of every human who ever lived.
Just because somebody else has a pie measured in square yards doesn't mean I'm left to eat the box.
— Zombie Claude Rains (@ZombieClaudeR) January 31, 2020
Don't care. Try reporting news factually, not fomenting class envy.
— Cornpoppapalooza (@LDreeniatnuom) January 31, 2020
Fun with numbers. But wealth isn’t finite. Somebody having money doesn’t mean somebody else can’t. How am I hurt by the guy across town having more than me? What’s to stop me from going out and making my own wealth? The supply is not limited.
— BeKind2MN (@Kind2Mn) January 31, 2020
The Zero Sum Game approach on display here is for abject morons.
— Brett R. Smith ?? (@BrettRSmith76) February 1, 2020
"America's pie". Perhaps it's unclear or uncertain due to framing it as one pie. IOW, if people only have one pie to share, then there's tragedy of the commons. If people make their own pies, such pressure reduces and potentially eliminates such problems.
— blank (@truebunk) February 3, 2020
It’s the rich people pie that keeps this economy going by expanding and hiring the rest! No one really wants socialism if they actually knew how it would end-in disaster for our nation!
— Bluelight (@Jan66805421) January 31, 2020
Inequality is part of human nature. Embrace it ! Make the most of it !! Don’t make excuses by taking away what belongs to those who have worked or inherited their fortunes… Envy is definitely far worse than hatred !!! It’s what communism sells so well disguised as socialism !!!
— jd (@jjdominguezv) January 31, 2020
The economy is as strong as ever, you just hate Trump.
— That American Girl ???? (@MissElizabethA) January 31, 2020
Extremely misleading example using the pie. It's almost as if this is just a stunt to piss people off.
— J.D. Avsec (@johndrew_EX) January 31, 2020
Ok pie guy, now do a like segment on “How capitalism divides up the tax pie”. I dare you! Here’s a clue for you.
— David Murray (@DavidHuxMurray) February 3, 2020
I wonder what the net worth is of the elite CBS executives demanding socialism.
— Jim G (@AxialEquatorial) February 1, 2020
Take the L
— The Falcon Flu Free – ✝ ?? ☕ (@anagilefalcon) January 31, 2020
‘THIS is why they are going apoplectic’: Gallup poll shows most Americans satisfied with the economy, national security
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 27, 2020
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