The thing about the public schedule that the White House puts out is that is doesn’t necessarily include every single thing the president is doing that day. A few blue-checks noticed that President Trump had nothing on the public schedule for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and of course assumed he was ignoring it altogether. He and Vice President Pence did pay a visit to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, though:
WATCH: President Trump and VP Pence visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC, on #MLKDay.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 20, 2020
But it wasn’t on the schedule!
According to the White House schedule, President Trump has nothing on his public schedule to honor MLK Day.
The White House pool (which covers and travels with him) isn't called to arrive until 3PM ET, and he leaves at 6:15PM for Davos.
— Geoff Bennett (@GeoffRBennett) January 20, 2020
President trump has nothing on his schedule to honor Mlk day, that doesn’t mean he won’t but the implication here is that there’s nothing planned which seems very problematic for the president who came to prominence on a racist lie.
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) January 20, 2020
Nothing on the President’s schedule today. He wouldn’t dare show his face on the day that honors Martin Luther King.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) January 20, 2020
He’s not even hiding it.
“According to the White House schedule, President Trump has nothing on his public schedule to honor MLK Day.”
He’ll probably tweet to celebrate the neo-Nazis in VA instead.
— Amy Siskind ?️? (@Amy_Siskind) January 20, 2020
Of course, the response will be that he only visited the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, to those who will even admit he went. Most seemed to think he’d be at the “Klan rally” in Virginia.
Trump won’t acknowledge MLK day because he no longer cares to even pretend he isn’t racist.
— Carla Allen (@callen720) January 20, 2020
He already tweeted his support of the nazis this morning.
— Lee Nixon (@fleetus68) January 20, 2020
Honestly, maybe he should just keep MLK's name out of his mouth. Anything he could say now would be disingenuous anyway.
— Caroline (@SweetRed4) January 20, 2020
If he gets re-elected he will cancel MLK Day.
— TicToc (@4sweetjustice) January 20, 2020
Why is he waiting until he gets re-elected?
I don't care to hear the racist in chief make any remarks about MLK because they would not be heartfelt, they would just be uttered b/c someone told him to.
And yes, he is busy inciting his gun nuts in VA.— my little Blissfully Married scullion (@LittleScullion) January 20, 2020
Are you really surprised? He appears to be trying for an all time low, but there is no bottom. Nothing he can do surprises me. It's disgraceful that ANY human would behave this way, let alone the POTUS. #NotMyPOTUS ???
— Living The Dream (@wetuiozx) January 20, 2020
The mask is off 100%
— Jossy (@Unitedshashe) January 20, 2020
It's vile. It's racist. It's intentional.
— #RIPGOP ² ?️? (@reaaalamerican) January 20, 2020
Anything he did would make a mockery of MLK day. I think keeping his mouth shut is the best anyone could hope for.
— Niall Monaghan (@Bunny_Fastard) January 20, 2020
I thought it'd be toting a gun in Richmond.
— Jerry Hardin (@redhardino) January 20, 2020
Honoring a black man would anger his base.
— Cheelydawg (@cheelydawg) January 20, 2020
Racists don’t celebrate MLK Day, but some of them do hold white supremacy jamborees disguised as second amendment marches.
— Jesus The Skeptic (@JmanTheSkeptic) January 20, 2020
He doesn’t want to be a distraction for the gun marchers in Virginia.
— Mike Lupica (@MikeLupica) January 20, 2020
Should anyone be surprised???
— Suz Mar (@SusanMarch7) January 20, 2020
Trump is a racist. #MLK would have rejected Trump.
— Jeffrey Guterman (@JeffreyGuterman) January 20, 2020
He'd rather be at the white supremacists rally.
— ??Katniss ?? #ChangeTheGame?? (@americanmclass) January 20, 2020
By days end he’ll tweet his support for the ‘very fine’ people brandishing their guns in Virginia
— EastWes (@CA88FL88) January 20, 2020
Unless he shows up at the gun rally in Va to support his gun toting peeps.
— sandysmazz (@MTSmazz) January 20, 2020
Lots of tweets though to his white power base today though!!!!!!
— Todd (@unlvguy) January 20, 2020
Any tweet he makes refrencing Virgina "gun" rally is a slap in the face to Dr. MLK
— Elliott Miller (@ECLMiller) January 20, 2020
He’s too busy stoking violence via tweet.
— Right Wing Hack (@GOPSubhumanScum) January 20, 2020
What violence? Antifa wasn’t there.
He’s too busy promoting hate around the Virginia Capital via Tweet.
— Donna Hill-Bessett (@DonnaBessett) January 20, 2020
Trump is a racist and would never revere a man who led the way for civil rights by peaceful protest.
— @JudyHamond (@judyhamomd) January 20, 2020
— CillaQ.?☘ (@geroproff1) January 21, 2020
This is absolutely disgusting and un-American.
— Marcy Leeman ? ? (@Marcyshops) January 20, 2020
He'd rather send his assault rifle carrying cronies to VA
— Stirling Morris (@StirlingMorris) January 20, 2020
Umm …
Last time you guys did this he showed up in Afghanistan with the troops…
— D'Glester Hardunkichud (@hardunkichud_d) January 20, 2020
— fishwrapper (@mamiefishes) January 20, 2020
Dumbest take on the #VirginiaRally? Protesters were racists defending gun rights ‘that don’t extend to black people’
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 21, 2020
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