As Twitchy reported earlier this week, award-winning multimedia journalist David Leavitt tweeted that he was “shaking still” after calling the police when a Target manager refused to sell him an electric toothbrush for one cent. “The police officer verified the price tag and told me I could take them to court and that she’d be a witness,” he tweeted.
We’re guessing Leavitt will sue Target — he seems like that kind of person — but in the meantime, meme-maker Carpe Donktum set up a GoFundMe to send the manager, #TargetTori, on vacation. People have donated around $14,000 so far, and Leavitt claims he’s “giving away vacations.” He already gave away his sense of shame, so why not?
I’m giving away vacations. Who’s next?
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) January 18, 2020
Depends …
Tori from Target
— Han cholo (@redpilled15) January 18, 2020
well. which service worker are you going to berate next?
— m a y q u e e n (@mayqueeeen) January 18, 2020
How about this guy from Wal-Mart.
— sammystreet5 (@sammystreet51) January 18, 2020
Do I need to pack a toothbrush?
— brandon j kennedy (@tonedef44bk) January 18, 2020
Only if I get a free electric toothbrush with mine
— Wayne Smith Esq. #FBPE (@waynesmith1971) January 18, 2020
Is it a one cent vacation? If not, I’ll sue you!!!
— Beth Wellington (@beth_wellington) January 18, 2020
Good for you. That’s wonderful. I hope someone has an amazing time.
— Samaira Girard (@Samaira1969) January 18, 2020
Suing you for false advertising
— 지수 ? 祉秀 (@NahJisu) January 18, 2020
David…. do you fully intend to give away vacations?
— The Hef (@GatewayHef) January 19, 2020
You're advertising vacation give-aways. If you don't give away a vacation, I'm going to have to call the police and a lawyer. Let me speak to your manager. What?! Your mom's not home?!
— c.j. (@neuropsycj) January 18, 2020
You promised free vacations. I expect you to honor that with an all expense paid trip or I’m calling the police!
— MikeNM (@MikeNM) January 19, 2020
You'd better be running this give away in accordance with all applicable laws plus any I can misinterpret in my own favor, David.
— Some libertarian (@sumlibertarian) January 18, 2020
You’re a weird dude.
— Mike Mulligan (@mikemulligan13) January 18, 2020
Once upon a time, America was a land of strong women and real men. We conquered this land and turned it into an example for the world to follow. We put men on the moon and fought against ancient empires and won. We were amazing. Now, we seem like a nation of Twitter pussies.
— Fletch F Fletcher (@MrFletchs) January 18, 2020
Cant afford a toothbrush but giving away vacations?
— Vinnie (@vstar53) January 18, 2020
Now he’s giving away vacations but can’t afford a toothbrush or to go to the dentist!
Don’t get too excited if you win. You may be spending the weekend with David in his studio apartment (bring your own toothbrush!!)
— DocFromPitt (@NotThatPittDad) January 18, 2020
— Aubrey Bear (@NotReallyABear2) January 19, 2020
No, you embossed carbuncle.
It's because of you, socially well-adjusted people who understand retail, interpersonal communication and common decency felt the need to send someone who didn't deserve your disrespect on vacation.
— Grant McAuley (@grantmcauley) January 18, 2020
I don't know, dude. Why don't you call the police, to see if they're interested?
I mean, that's what you usually do.
— Dean Gloster (@deangloster) January 18, 2020
@CarpeDonktum already gave the girl you harrassed $18,000 for a vacation. Carpe is the true hero…makes me smile the biggest smile so everyone can see my beautifully brushed teeth.
— Derek Hughes (@drocknit33) January 18, 2020
Hey check it out, he's taking credit for @CarpeDonktum's vacation GoFundMe just like he does with journalism!
— parapanther ???? (@parapanther) January 19, 2020
Take a look at this little beauty
— Lee (@lee_bail83) January 18, 2020
I hear a certain young lady named Tori can now buy hundreds of them. How cool is that?
— Whateverdear (@WhateverDearest) January 19, 2020
I'm giving away free toothbrushes to Beta-Males.
— Joel Brown ???? (@JoelBro43866365) January 19, 2020
— SheliaE (@SheliaE17) January 19, 2020
— notoriously irritable ? (@manda_writes) January 18, 2020
Waiting for you to take one. From Twitter. Permanently.
— Manikandan V (@BeingManiV) January 18, 2020
You screwed up and lost, just take the L.
— Todd D ?T6 ? (@stlcards107601) January 18, 2020
Dude take the L and go away for a while
— vik (@speed323232) January 18, 2020
Just go away, dude.
— Tony Schwartz (@theothergeese) January 18, 2020
Worst human of all time.
— D (@cohleychampion) January 19, 2020
Didn’t like the ratio I’m thinking.
— Bree (@Bree000007) January 19, 2020
Given the enormity of the hole into which you’ve dug yourself, you really need to stop digging.
Don’t go out and rent one of these.
— Chris McKeever (@TheRealMcKeever) January 19, 2020
Man shut up lol.. we didn’t forget yesterday
— offseason (@Lonzo_69) January 18, 2020
Another liberal owned, fantastic day ??
— DaddyPhatSaks (@Daddyphatsaks) January 18, 2020
A HUGE thank you everyone who donated!
Though it often seems like it is impossible to see eye to eye on anything anymore… I think we can all agree that David is a real asshole.
— Carpe Donktum? (@CarpeDonktum) January 19, 2020
'I'm shaking still': Blue-check journo calls the police over dispute with a Target manager and the price of a…toothbrush
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 17, 2020
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