The Resistance, who worshipped Robert Mueller when they were certain he’d find evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, were celebrating again when they learned that Mueller was being called in front of Congress to testify. Mueller has already said that the report is his testimony, but even then, the pro-impeachment crowd was thrilled that they might hear Mueller read from his own report — especially since so few Americans have read it.
Celebrities are leveraging their superpowers to make sure the public knows about the Mueller report. But don’t confuse this video with the one put together by propaganda outfit NowThis News starring Robert DeNiro, Martin Sheen, Steven King, Rob Reiner and more.
And also, this isn’t footage from the live stream of Mark Hamill, John Lithgow, Alyssa Milano, and others performing “The Investigation: A Search For The Truth in 10 Acts,” a “play” based on the Mueller report. The report that found no Russian collusion, that is.
No, this is an entirely different thing with an entirely different set of actors reading from the Mueller report. Watch as Debra Messing, Minnie Driver, Jon Cryer, and other megastars film themselves.
Since so many members of Congress haven't read the Mueller report, we tried to get some friends together to dramatize it. But the truth was too absurd and depressing.
Congress: please do your jobs. Read the Mueller report, and then impeach @realdonaldtrump.
— Need To Impeach ? (@Need2Impeach) June 25, 2019
This wont do what you think, along with the reading last night. This’ll undermine the power of the actual report. “Actors, hollywood Elite – it’s a dramatization, narrative, fiction!” People will dismiss it & the actual report won’t mean as much, they’ll dismiss that too.
— Matt Murphy (@MattM01810) June 25, 2019
He’s got a point. Believe it or not, Hollywood doesn’t have a strong record when it winds its tendrils around politics (look at the Jon Ossoff loss for evidence of that).
Something something propaganda film.
— c (@cmillslarson) June 26, 2019
Well if a bunch of B list celebs want to impeach I guess we all better listen.
— KB (@kbarry2011) June 26, 2019
Watch out, there are still places in the insane asylums……………
— Charlotte Rouillon (@nrouillon) June 26, 2019
Oh crap… Debra Messing? I'm out
— #FreeLeonardPeltier #FreeJulianAssange (@burnodo) June 26, 2019
I cannot find your video of decrying about the abuse of power and obstruction during the Obama administration? Can you point me to it!
— Matthew Battle (@librab103) June 26, 2019
Where’s the no collusion part?
— Matt Hammington (@MattHammington) June 25, 2019
If it's so damning then why didn't Muller just indict him? The bottom line is that it's not going to happen. This is an old Russian tactic. Please read this
— Tom Hambright (@tomhambright) June 26, 2019
Good luck with that. He’s around till 2020 no matter what
— LozierGang (@JohnSwagjohnhas) June 26, 2019
Wow, Russians sure hacked us…If you look at this image, Putin owns your soul and you will forever be Communist.
— Lowell the Berner (@lowetze1) June 25, 2019
#Need2GrowUp would be an apt description for those who created/support this. You lost. There was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Emotionally mature people learn to accept such things.
— Dagwood (@Strohmeir) June 25, 2019
Hollywood is full of emotionally mature people.
‘More pathetic by the day’! ‘Star-studded cast’ to perform play based on… the Mueller report?
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 24, 2019
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