Now, this is something that should have received a lot more coverage than it did. As John McCormack reports at National Review, Democratic front runner Joe Biden has said that the Hyde amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is endangered, “can’t stay.”
That new policy position could be seen in a May 8 tweet from the ACLU, but it was The Washington Post’s David Weigel who put it back into circulation Sunday evening.
Our volunteer Nina asked Joe Biden whether, as president, he would lift the Hyde amendment, which bans federal insurance coverage of abortion.
He said yes. #RightsForAll
— ACLU (@ACLU) May 8, 2019
Maybe he should start saying that on the stump and not just to random ACLU volunteers — it’s kind of a big shift.
In first major leftward policy shift, Biden flips on Hyde amendment & now backs unlimited taxpayer-funding of abortions for Medicaid recipients.
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) May 20, 2019
"I have consistently — on no fewer than 50 occasions — voted against federal funding of abortions,” Biden wrote in 1994.
"I still vote against partial birth abortion and federal funding," Biden wrote in 2007.
Why did he change his mind now?
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) May 20, 2019
Why did he change his mind now? Because the entire Democratic Party took a hard turn to the left while he was enjoying his retirement and abortion on demand without apology is more of a sacrament than ever to the Democrats.
Joe Biden, 2007: "I've stuck to my middle-of-the-road position on abortion for more than 30 years"
Joe Biden, 2019: "You never heard me say middle of the road"
Now he supports taxpayer-funded abortion
Take it from Joe, he's no longer middle of the road
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) May 20, 2019
Why did he change his mind now ? Geeze, I don't know, what could it be. That's a tough one for sure, but my guess Radicalleftitis………..
— Larry (@0311OpEssexman) May 20, 2019
Must have polling that it won’t hurt the path through the general.
— JohnB (@farmerjohn1958) May 20, 2019
He saw Mayor Pete’s interview last night and went – can’t let him get too far ahead.
Mark my words. It will be a Biden/Buttegieg ticket.
— Napo (@ReturnOfTagg) May 20, 2019
Biden so far seems to be the net catching Democrat-leaning voters who don't agree with the leftward-lurching. For him to follow the crowd and lose that appeal seems to be a dumb move from a sales perspective.
— Evan Hoffman (@EvanHoffman) May 20, 2019
so his pitch is I have years of experience but all of my experience I apologize for it
— Glenn Amurgis (@gamurgis) May 20, 2019
Joe is slipping downward on to path to total progressive, socialist liberalism. All Trump will need to do is be on the ticket and he wins a second term.
— James McGee (@rurlfrmer) May 20, 2019
This is the tippy-top of the pandering and rewriting of his history he will be making in order to be viable in the socialist party.
— Incredelman Lover (@IncredelmanL) May 20, 2019
Ultimately he will pay a price for groveling to the radicals in his party.
— BillMemphis (@BillMemphis) May 20, 2019
— Anthony Trant (@Trantan01) May 20, 2019
them debates are closing in…holy sacrament abortion will be front and center and cadaver man is preparing for that.,
— no█████ (@randOmuos) May 20, 2019
That idiot is only here to help re-elect #Trump.
— Zzopit???? (@zzopit) May 20, 2019
Take government money out of abortions and see how quickly the number drops. Instead of giving away syringes, send condoms and birth control pills to high-occurring populations by bulk mail.
— Daveeoeo (@daveeoeo) May 20, 2019
And let the flipping begin… Before long he'll remind you of a fish flopping on a pier.
— ??FormerFedPros?? (@fed_pros) May 20, 2019
Sniffy, creepy and Shifty.
— fugitivemama (@fugitivemama) May 20, 2019
Biden has the familiarity and name recognition, but he also has a record that doesn’t sit well with the radical progressives that have taken over the party, and it’s all on videotape. Popcorn time.
Joe doesn't want to 'impose'? Inconsistency spotted in Biden's position on abortion vs. 'ALL his other views'
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) September 21, 2015
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