As Twitchy reported earlier Thursday, The New York Times dropped a bit of a bombshell with its report confirming that the FBI did indeed send a spy to meet with Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos. Byron York, Mollie Hemingway, and others suggested the spy story was “shaking loose” now to get ahead of the impending release of an inspector general’s report.
The Federalist’s Sean Davis argued what’s most interesting is who’s ignoring the story:
Even more fascinating than NYT's admission that Obama's spy chiefs deployed multiple spies against Trump affiliates is who's ignoring the story, namely the bulk of the NY/D.C. press corps who falsely insisted that there was no spying and that Trump was a Russian agent.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 2, 2019
Washington Post media critic Eric Wemple wants it known that the spying story was broken by a member of the New York/Washington D.C. press corps.
The story was BROKEN by a charter member of the NYC/DC press corps.
— ErikWemple (@ErikWemple) May 2, 2019
And your paper, which ostensibly reports on news in and around the nation's capital, hasn't written a single word about it after spending weeks attacking Barr for accurately stating spying did occur against the Trump campaign. Thanks for proving my point!
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 3, 2019
Remember the pearl-clutching when Attorney General Bill Barr used the word “spying”? They even gave him a chance to rephrase it to soften the charge a bit.
Besides, if the story of the Obama administration sending a spy to infiltrate the Trump campaign was broken today, why have we all known about it for years?
Broken? ?
— Anna (@wolters_ann) May 3, 2019
A story we've known for years.
— JWF (@JammieWF) May 3, 2019
Just some people that spied on some people.
— Carpetfrog (@Carpetfrawg) May 3, 2019
lol what. The Trump side has known about this spying for at least two years, but the MSM refused to cover it until now. ?
— Syntax Error ?? (@SyntaxError1871) May 3, 2019
Um @GeorgePapa19 wrote a whole book… you didn't "break" any story, it's been out there for months.
— Shauna (@Shauna74891161) May 3, 2019
Erik, this story has been on twitter for over a year. You dudes didn’t break anything. Do your job and investigate and maybe you can redeem yourselves.
— John Muse (@JMuser16) May 3, 2019
You really believe this is new?
— Subtle Genius ? (@2018Winning) May 3, 2019
I didn't know Trump was a charter member of the NYC/DC press corps.
Pretty cool.
— Rob (@mylifeasrobby) May 3, 2019
Why lie? Everyone in America who doesn’t read WAPO, NYT or watch CNN or Maddow knew about this story for over a year.
— fugitivemama (@fugitivemama) May 3, 2019
"BROKEN"? LOL. These "charter members" have ignored the real story for over 2 years, and now they're doing everything in their power to deflect as evidence of politically motivated spying begins to gush out.
— Tom Kasperski (@TomKaz) May 3, 2019
Lol he didn't break anything! We've been talking about it for close to 2 years. Too little, too late. Legacy media is the enemy of the people.
— Sean ??? (@Sim427) May 2, 2019
The only thing you have broken is the trust of the people to which you should be reporting the news to.
How you rebuild that trust lays solely and squarely on your shoulders and only you can fix it, well that is even if it can be fixed at this point.
— Rathdranalon (@Daicheal) May 3, 2019
All those docs are getting declassified soon. Barr is coming.
— Ayn Banned (@AynBanned) May 3, 2019
I was told there wasn't a whiff of scandal during the Obama administration.
— El Skipito Bandito (@LordBarak) May 2, 2019
I watched MTP Daily this afternoon to see how they would treat it, and there was nothing.
— Patricia (@PattyPaugh) May 3, 2019
NY Times story is CLASSIC Intel Agency LIMITED HANGOUT.
When your operation and players are about to be EXPOSED (see: IG and FISA abuse reports/et-al) you "leak" and/or have your media lackeys write stories that POINT you in the direction that THEY WANT. @dbongino @TuckerCarlson
— Free Your Mind (@AlternativViewz) May 2, 2019
Wow. Stop digging, dude.
— Plainsspeak (@Plainsspeak) May 3, 2019
Uh oh … let’s see how many times the spy’s name appears on the Washington Post website:
Democracy dies in darkness, @ErikWemple.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 3, 2019
OK, how about CNN? MSNBC?
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 3, 2019
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 3, 2019
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 3, 2019
Not a word about the story on Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Politico, or Buzzfeed, @ErikWemple. But you're right, it's totally not being ignored by the bulk of the D.C. political press corps who went all in on the "tHeRe wAs nO sPyInG" silliness.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 3, 2019
— Mike McKinley (@Ripburger) May 3, 2019
Don’t think it counts as “breaking” a story if you’re just mouthing the words of law enforcement trying make their illegality look less bad….
— Grant Halstead (@GJ_Halstead) May 3, 2019
And speaking of Papadopoulos, he’s stirring things up on Twitter Thursday night:
Next big information coming out: Alexander Downer was an asset sent by US intel to make contact with me. There are transcripts of my meeting with the Clinton errand boy.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) May 2, 2019
— Sal (@citygunz95) May 2, 2019
NY Times maintains the Downer meeting is what prompted feds to launch Crossfire Hurricane. If what George is claiming is true, The Times and many other legacy media outlets have been consistently publishing false information for years.
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) May 2, 2019
That would be news … not.
BOMBSHELL: The NYT just reported that the FBI *DID* send a spy to meet with George Papadopoulos
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 2, 2019
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