We’ll be honest: we weren’t mentally ready for the 2020 presidential race, seeing as the 2016 election dragged all the way into 2019 and some people still refuse to accept that Hillary Clinton lost.
But it’s looking to be a lot of fun. Now Joe Biden’s officially in the race, but his creepy hair-sniffing uncle routine might not play in 2020 as it did before the #MeToo movement kicked off. Bernie Sanders is a socialist, but a lot of Clinton die-hards still blame his fans for splitting the vote. And now there are almost two dozen candidates ranging from establishment centrists to out-and-out open borders socialists.
Just as the Republicans are split between the MAGA crowd and the Never Trumpers, the Democrats are split between the young guns and the establishment, and we’re here for it.
George Takei seems to recognize that the party has a unity problem, and he’s proposing that Democrats take a pledge not to speak negatively about any of the Democratic candidates.
Will you join me in pledging not to speak negatively about any of our candidates? We don’t know who the nominee will be, but they need to be as strong as they can be going into the election against Trump.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) April 26, 2019
Alyssa Milano’s on board.
#IPledge to not speak negatively about anyone running for President. Do you? https://t.co/d5VKX30Dyy
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 27, 2019
Wow, these primary debates are going to be lit, with at least 20 people on stage all trying to win the nomination without saying anything negative about their opponents.
So, who’s up for the pledge?
this isn’t how anything works
— xav (nyi 4-1) (@thisisntxav) April 27, 2019
Uh no
— mini_maudlin (@WilcoxJenn) April 27, 2019
— Alyson Metzger ? (@AlysonMetzger) April 27, 2019
No because that’s not how the world works and some of these nominees are legit bad choices for president. I’m gonna vote dem no matter what, but in the primary? Nah.
— Jarrett Civelli ? (@Dartastic) April 27, 2019
Hell no.
— FUCKING UNIONIZE (@etfp) April 27, 2019
makes no sense
— dylan ? (@clrkd) April 27, 2019
This is such a ridiculous thing to say , so if one of the democratic nominees says something racist or sexist is everyone supposed to just smile and let it go ?
— Bibliophiles Welcome, Nazis are not (@suzanalou) April 27, 2019
Everyone’s voice is important in choosing the best and next President. Saying nothing cedes your right and influence to one more vocal that might not be the best. Don’t cede your civil right to voice your opinion. @GeorgeTakei
— LaurentiiMediolanensis (@TreDiMediolanum) April 27, 2019
I think the grown adult candidates can handle some negativity
— Jim Megami Tensei (@Nomdeeee) April 27, 2019
No, of course not. We need to be vetting their records so we pick the strongest one! We should promise not to engage in nonsense attacks, but records and policies are fair game
— CeeGee (@butchcjg) April 27, 2019
absolutely not
— Abi (@AbiWilks) April 27, 2019
I pledge to vet every candidate even if it hurts feels
— We need to talk about Kevin, please! (@k_2_t) April 27, 2019
That's not how a primary works.
— Lovecraftian Hip Hop (@TheMightyBednar) April 27, 2019
— Jim Moon (none of this is real) (@taxxess) April 27, 2019
Nope. Some candidates need to be pushed back on hard.
— RedwoodGirl? #MedicareForAllNowCowards (@RedwoodGirl) April 27, 2019
Why even have a primary?
— Gun-Coming-For'er (@SeminalDesigner) April 27, 2019
No. We need a healthy and fair primary, we didn't have one last time. We are not anointing a saint. Criticism and critique is part of the process.
— Bonnie Bauman (@bonbauman) April 27, 2019
If you think it's a good idea not to illuminate a candidates odious position/record for the sake of party unity….I could not disagree more
— leoluminary ? (@leoluminary) April 27, 2019
Yeah, No. If someone abuses a sexual assault survivor then issues a non-apology decades later, I’m gonna talk about it. Squelching negative comments is squelching debate and I’m not gonna do it.
— Steve Delfino ??️? (@SteveDelfino) April 27, 2019
No. Respectfully, this is misguided – offering constructive criticism is not being “negative.” All candidates need to reckon with their records and voters need to hold them to account. Primaries are for vetting.
— hana tessa (@misstourane) April 27, 2019
Some Democrats: Don't say anything negative about any of the candidates! We need to choose the best one to beat Trump!
Me: That's…that's what a primary is. You literally just described a primary.
— Waqar Vick Rehman (@WaqarVick) April 27, 2019
No. Vetting the candidates is critical to choosing the best one. We must discuss their pros and cons. I will not sit back and be silent. If you cared about the things you claim to care about, you wouldn't be asking us to be silent.
— ?????? ? (@herenowhere3) April 27, 2019
Sounds like a super secret treehouse pre teen oath.
— DVH (@Vanhonker) April 27, 2019
Really? So absolutely NO intelligent debate and we just throw up whoever wins the Primary without vetting them for ourselves first? Sure. Seems like a winning strategy. I'm sure that Trump will play nice too, and refuse to air all of their dirty laundry right before the election.
— Cuck Pro (@CuckPro) April 27, 2019
We need to narrow them down and hold them accountable though. “Not speaking negatively” is a no-go for me.
— Jern Terler (@Nuclearsalt) April 27, 2019
Hell no. Why would you make this pledge? If a candidate says something horrible, Im going to speak negatively about it.
— Nahum Leonard (@LeonardNahum) April 27, 2019
@Alyssa_Milano Pathetic.
— JR'sQueenof?'s (@cschutte81) April 27, 2019
Lol, if FACTS project somebody in a negative light, then that’s their problem. Don’t stifle a fact driven debate. That’s literally what primaries are for.
— DiabloAvocado ?? (@DiabloAdvocado) April 27, 2019
I hope many will join me in saying this is unmitigated bullshit.
— Jerry Long (@Longbroscomedy) April 27, 2019
I see someone has learned absolutely nothing about 2016 and how we ended up with Trump.
If you want to defeat him please point long and hard to people who are too shit/baggaged to defeat him.
— Job Polak ? (@job_polak) April 27, 2019
Hard pass
— Andray (@andraydomise) April 27, 2019
gonna primary my opponent by complimenting them into the dirt
— Bonjour, helldude! (@LizardRumsfeld) April 27, 2019
Absolutely not.
— BigLoganActHat (@Popehat) April 27, 2019
Hard to find a more ‘this is why Democrats lose’ tweet than this.
— Travis Yost (@travisyost) April 27, 2019
There are at least 20 people competing for votes, and it is going to get ugly, and it will be awesome to watch.
Set phasers for SHOCKED! George Takei discovers this border issue also existed under Obama but ‘wasn’t widely reported’ https://t.co/xqZQ6jxUiP
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 28, 2018
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