As Twitchy reported earlier, TIME magazine released its list of the 100 most influential people, and progressives like actress Jessica Chastain were not happy to see Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the same issue as his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.
It turns out that 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who called for Kavanaugh’s nomination “to be immediately withdrawn,” wrote the text for Blasey Ford’s profile. Take a look and see if you notice what’s missing from TIME’s tweet:
.@KamalaHarris on Christine Blasey Ford: “Through her courage, she forced the country to reckon with an issue that has too often been ignored and kept in the dark” #TIME100
— TIME (@TIME) April 17, 2019
“She forced the country to reckon with an issue that has too often been ignored and kept in the dark,” Harris writes. But … did Blasey Ford tell the truth about her sexual assault by Kavanaugh? Maybe it’s in the magazine. The text is short enough that we can embed the whole thing here:
Her story, spoken while holding back tears, shook Washington and the country. Her courage, in the face of those who wished to silence her, galvanized Americans. And her unfathomable sacrifice, out of a sense of civic duty, shined a spotlight on the way we treat survivors of sexual violence.
Christine Blasey Ford’s ambition wasn’t to become a household name or make it onto this list. She had a good life and a successful career—and risked everything to send a warning in a moment of grave consequence.
At her core, she is a teacher. And through her courage, she forced the country to reckon with an issue that has too often been ignored and kept in the dark.
That’s all well and good, but was she telling the truth, Sen. Harris? You don’t say.
So then Justin Fairfax's accusers next year?
— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) April 17, 2019
She did seem to withhold judgment on Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, saying that the claims against him needed to be investigated. What happened to “believe women”?
Remember when we were all constantly told that Christine Blasey Ford had absolutely nothing to gain by coming forward to make an extremely old, totally uncorroborated & highly politically charged allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?
Yeah, that was total bullcrap…#TIME100
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) April 17, 2019
Wasn't she kinda thrust into the spotlight despite telling Feinstein she didn't want to come forward.
— neontaster (@neontaster) April 17, 2019
The issue being false accusations….
— Habitual Linestepper (@FergusFSU) April 17, 2019
I didn't know allegations of sexual assault unsupported by a single shred of evidence was "an issue that has too often been ignored and kept in the dark" #DrFord #JusticeKavanaugh
— (((L.N. Smithee))) (@LNSmithee) April 17, 2019
And her best friend wouldn’t back up her flimsy 30 year old story. Absolutely no evidence, even her handlers couldn’t coach her through that.
— The Life Explorer (@LoveOireachtas) April 17, 2019
It’s insane to honor someone who made accusations that were never corroborated by anyone or proven. The #MeToo movement was well underway by the time she came along with a 30-year-old unsubstantiated high school story. I wish Ms. Ford well, but she’s no hero.
— LYNN CAREY SAYLOR (@LynnCareySaylor) April 17, 2019
She's a fraud and she proved nothing.
— JWF (@JammieWF) April 17, 2019
Ford lied about her ability to travel. She lied about the house renovation. But most importantly she told a crazy unsubstantiated story of a event that she could not recall, where it was , who was there, how she got home, who she talked to on cell phones that weren’t invented
— pats fan (@ontosuperbowl) April 17, 2019
Do you people live in a different reality? Or are you just delusional on purpose? Men die in prison for raping women. This woman had no evidence, no credible witnesses, and more holes in her story than Swiss cheese. Then walks away with a million bucks and a book deal. Con job.
— The Mic of Mike (@ElementalEcho) April 17, 2019
Fairly sure this was one of the ugliest charades in recent political history – it should be a shameful memory and a moment of real transparency into liberal ideology – not a magazine cover or icon for "truth to power".
— LeggyHendrix (@leggyhendrix) April 17, 2019
Kamala pandering for that Me Too vote now. Her campaign ain’t gonna make it out of the primaries.
— Ryan Mustang (@MrRyanMustang) April 17, 2019
Courage? She tried to destroy a man's life and you call that courage, @KamalaHarris? #LeftistHypocrisy #TIME100
— Matthew J. Little (@mlittle2010924) April 17, 2019
This is an insane take, unless this is a fictional article/list
— Ryan Wentland (@ryanwentland) April 17, 2019
That story was contrived for political reasons. Harris, Booker and Feinstein latched on it to try and damage the President. Ford lied. Justice Kavanaugh is an honorable man. The Senate is a disgrace.
CC: @senatemajldr
— Hitman (@Hitman1094) April 17, 2019
Kamala Harris should salute the courage of Jussie Smollett too then. Gotta be consistent.
— Northman (@charbo84) April 17, 2019
I didn't think lying to smear a political opponent was "in the dark" really but okay?
— Lyndsey Fifield (@lyndseyfifield) April 17, 2019
Hillary did it first.
— Rob (@mylifeasrobby) April 17, 2019
Fascinating how she found her courage so many years later. The timing was impeccable and not suspicious at all.
— The Grid (@GovScourge) April 17, 2019
One more time: Is she being honored for “raising awareness” of sexual assault, or was she telling the truth? What do you say now, Sen. Harris? TIME just gave you a chance to tell the world the truth, and you didn’t take it. You certainly seemed convinced while Kavanaugh’s confirmation was still on the line …
Jessica Chastain slams Time Mag for having audacity to include Brett Kavanaugh on #Time100 with Christine Blasey-Ford
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 17, 2019
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