In case you missed it, “conservative” Washington Post columnist Max Boot, who’s trying to move copies of his new book, “The Corrosion of Conservatism: Why I Left the Right,” essentially smeared the modern GOP as a bunch of bigots who fell for “coded racial appeals” instead of adopting his well-intentioned policy proposals.
So when the New Yorker’s Adam Davidson says he thinks Republicans should go full Max Boot and not squishy Jeff Flake, you know where he’s coming from. And those Republicans who do will guarantee themselves a golden place in history.
Any GOP politician can all-but guarantee a golden place in history by being truly #NeverTrump. Not the soft criticism and political support of Flake and Corker and Collins. But the strong response of @RadioFreeTom and @MaxBoot
It's an easy gimme. Why does no one take it?
— Adam Davidson (@adamdavidson) October 13, 2018
Going full #NeverTrump is an easy gimmie, so why aren’t more GOP politicians torching their ties with Trump and guaranteeing themselves that golden place in history? Which is guaranteed. Totally.
— Indelible in the Hippocampus (@SikhsForTrump) October 13, 2018
Why does no one take it? Because it's childish, petulant, idiotic, and self-defeating.
— Eric H. (@ericinva) October 13, 2018
But you’ll get so many TV appearances on MSNBC as the “conservative” counterpart on their diverse panels.
Do you realize what you're saying? "Any GOP politician can guarantee a golden place in history by publicly leaving the GOP."
And you wonder why it doesn't happen.
— Jeff B. (@EsotericCD) October 13, 2018
Looks like there's a difference between a person selling books (hey, we all gotta serve somebody) and a public servant who may be disgusted with the head of their party, but still believes in the tenets of the party.
Never Trump is not Never Republican.
— Beto O'Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) October 13, 2018
Not everyone is trying to sell a book, or is comfortable aligning with a left wing mob that has no problem trying to destroy a man’s life to stop him from getting a seat on the court.
— Tyler Boliver (@TylerBoliver) October 13, 2018
The ‘strong response’ you want comes from commentators, not politicians, who are paid to have opinions and have no responsibility to anyone but themselves, rather than from elected officials who have constituents to represent and are actually expected to do some governing.
— Jim Fossel (@JimFossel) October 13, 2018
Just look at how the Arizona Republicans who elected Jeff Flake love him now; if he went full #NeverTrump, he’d be revered as a god.
Because it is dishonest. Both of the fools you mentioned are simply intellectually dishonest.
— Will (@RoscoenOtis) October 13, 2018
See, here, right here is the problem. It's not about Trump, it's ever about Trump.
Max Boot himself has lamented that he still isn't welcomed into the club no matter how much he prostrates himself.
It's not a "big tent," it's Room 101 where you learn to love Big Brother.
— AgainstTrumpDude (@TheAmishDude) October 13, 2018
The gentlest possible response is that mutual and ongoing polarization of our polity has made it so that political apostates must conform to the pole to which they swing or find themselves in a vary narrow and highly volatile band of support in which to survive.
— (((≠))) (@ThomasHCrown) October 13, 2018
Probably because opposing the idiocy of Trump does not mean becoming a Democrat. Would you expect a moderate D deeply troubled by a President Sanders (or, gulp, Avenatti) to suddenly switch their ideology and vote Republican?
— Eric Earling (@ericearling) October 13, 2018
Or maybe that golden place in history only exists in the minds of Democrats, and a lot of Republicans actually like what Trump’s accomplished?
If the GOP base was made up of people who had your views, Republican politicians would certainly go after those types of people.
Instead, GOP voters have far different priorities. They tend to like Trump and would like to see his agenda pass.
— Mobb Not So Deep (@JimDelRey) October 13, 2018
Winners write the history books. Some goofball “taking a stand” will not even be an ink smear in the history books. Trump is executing what he campaigned on, the economy is booming, and he’s gonna get re-elected in 2020 by a greater margin than 2016. Trump is winning. Get aboard
— TedGandaJ (@TedGandaJ) October 13, 2018
Here’s a true believer in Davidson’s theory:
And not just a "golden place in history" they could probably make a lot of money on a book deal and speaking engagements.
Imagine if Jeff Flake actually would have caucused with the Dems until there were real changes. He would have been rich his entire life!
— Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) October 13, 2018
Yeah, sure. Just like Sen. Susan Collins went from the hero who saved Planned Parenthood to a rape apologist within a year.
Hot take from WaPo and Vox: Republicans critical of Trump should vote Democrat to rein him in
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 25, 2018
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