The Senate Democrats think they’re being awfully clever here; it’s a shame some unpaid intern had to dig up the video to put this together:
In 1991, Senate Republicans said an FBI investigation was the “the very right thing to do” – but now, those same Republicans insist the FBI cannot investigate whether Judge Kavanaugh committed sexual assault. Why?
— Senate Democrats (@SenateDems) September 19, 2018
Hmm … why would an FBI investigation be the right thing to do in 1991 but not 2018? What made the Clarence Thomas hearings different?
This is an easy one.
— Michael Brendan Dougherty (@michaelbd) September 20, 2018
Because Thomas was a FEDERAL employee at the time, dumbasses. Good Lord.
— Mary #FlyTheW (@mchastain81) September 20, 2018
It’s really unbelievable how many people in the comments are calling Sen. Orrin Hatch a hypocrite over this.
Because then it was 2 federal employees. Feds have jurisdiction over accusations made by fed employees against fed employes for workplace allegations. This is outside the FBI’s jurisdiction.
— SmilinOnDaBeach (@SmilinOnDaBeach) September 22, 2018
The allegation was made of sexual harassment in the workplace by a fed emp. against a fed emp. That falls squarely as a federal investigation. I really don’t understand why the dems don’t understand jurisdiction. I’ve been trying to educate folks on the word for days now?
— SmilinOnDaBeach (@SmilinOnDaBeach) September 22, 2018
They were federal employees when that accusation took place, not high schoolers.
— James Swick (@jamesbswick) September 22, 2018
Besides, Sen. Dianne Feinstein passed her bombshell letter on to the FBI, which declined to investigate. Maybe if she’d share the unredacted letter with the other members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Republicans would be calling for an investigation too, but we’ll never know, apparently.
Repeat after me: "In this case, the FBI has no jurisdiction." You lot are engaged in a wholly cynical and disgusting attempt to exploit the true horror of sexual violence (which you ignore in Keith Ellison's case) for base political motives. You're disgusting.
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) September 20, 2018
There should absolutely be an investigation by Montgomery county, and depending on its results Congress should consider impeaching BK and removing him from the federal bench.
— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterType) September 20, 2018
After he’s confirmed, that is.
Sneaky little details. Isn’t social media great. Dems used to think they could fool people into believing anything but now we get all the intel we need to stay 2 steps ahead of all their pandering little lies. #redWave2018
— ??James?? (@Jameski07) September 22, 2018
This is terribly misleading and actually damning of the Democrats. When they received a letter with serious allegations, that was the time to ask the FBI to conduct interviews (as happened with Thomas), to help with the Senate's *confidential* character and fitness review.
— Gregg Nunziata (@greggnunziata) September 20, 2018
We’re almost getting sick of asking, but gee — why did Sen. Dianne Feinstein sit on Christine Blasey Ford’s letter for two months before passing it along to authorities if she was so anxious for an FBI investigation?
New York Mag: Kavanaugh's confirmation will mean a third of male justices have been 'credibly accused'
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) September 19, 2018
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