Here’s an anecdote that’s supposed to 1) break your heart and 2) ensure your support of the “Families Belong Together” marches that are being held across the nation today. Because, you know, it takes a sad story like this for conservatives to feel any compassion whatsoever.
Last night, my 4yr-old son had a nightmare.
When I walked into his room, he said, "Daddy, I lost you and couldn't find you anywhere. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared!"
Luckily it was just a DREAM.
For 2000 kids at the border it's REALITY!#FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) June 30, 2018
We’re sorry — kids having nightmares is a terrible thing, but we just can’t resist these stories about amazingly woke kids.
Last night my 7 year old son had a nightmare. “Daddy, I dreamed you used me for a Tweet!” Luckily got him it was a dream. For Krassenstein it’s just another way to bilk you out of money.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) June 30, 2018
Last night, my 4yr-old son had a prediction: He said, "Daddy: another guy on Twitter is going to post another BS virtue signaling anecdote supposedly about his kid!"
— MacroAggressions ❌ (@DenierNyc) June 30, 2018
This morning, my kids did something that I didn't try to turn I to a political statement.
— Chris Hynes (@realchrishynes) June 30, 2018
Last night, my 4-yr-old son had a nightmare:
"Daddy, I dreamed that people on social media fabricate imaginary children to advance an ideological narrative with emotion-based arguments timed to coincide with organized protests for maximum exposure."
Luckily, it was just satire.
— Razor (@hale_razor) June 30, 2018
Last night, my 4yr-old son had a nightmare.
When I walked into his room, he said, "Daddy, the Democrats rolled back tax cuts and blocked Trump's originalist appointees to the Supreme Court. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared!"
Luckily it was just a DREAM.
— Mike a.k.a. Proof ?? (@ProofBlog) June 30, 2018
Last night, my 4yr-old daughter had a nightmare.
When I walked into her room, she said, "Daddy, we can't let Trudeau's tariffs go unanswered. I will assemble an army of child soldiers as well as arm and train moderate Canadian guerillas on the ground."
I'm so proud of Minerva.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) June 30, 2018
Last night, my 4yr-old son had a nightmare.
When I walked into his room, he said, "Daddy, I lost you and couldn't find you anywhere. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared! Why would you break US law and put me in this situation?"
Luckily it was just a DREAM.
— Chibi James Madison (@trueholygoat) June 30, 2018
Last night, my 4yr-old son had a nightmare.
When I walked into his room, he said, "Mommy, I'm not real. You don't have a son. I'm just a figment of your imagination you use to push politics on your weird Twitter account you're gonna sell for ad money one day."
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) June 30, 2018
Krassenstein had to get on the "My 4 year old asked me a question… how do I talk to him about this" bandwagon
At least he didn't make out like his kid had a degree in social science— Big Ed Learning To Code (@Falconeddie1) June 30, 2018
Sounds like the same nightmare that the Dad of Kate Steinle had…only his wasn't a DREAM.
— JoyBelle? (@joybellesshadow) June 30, 2018
Last night a lot of people didn’t have a dream because they’re dead. They were killed by illegal immigrants. Zero dreams were had by those people. Their parents won’t get a phone calls won’t get a visit.
— Clark Darko (@clark_darko) June 30, 2018
Last night my 4yr-old son had a nightmare.
When I walked into his room, he said, "Daddy, our country was being overrun with illegal immigrants who already had countries of their own, but they were invading ours. I was so scared."
Sadly, wasn't just a DREAM… it's a NIGHTMARE!
— Exxon (@exxon_valdezz) June 30, 2018
Don’t have any small kids. But my dog says a strong monetarist policy will keep squirrels out of the neighbor’s yard. Like the Dems he combines over-education with illusory goals.
— Daniel Lee (@RealDanLee) June 30, 2018
Funny, my five year old just thanked an ICE officer and squealed with joy as they drove by.
— Jason Kost (@KostJason) June 30, 2018
Did you then explain to him the legal process of becoming a US citizen? Perfect opportunity.#FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch
— Mrs. Rutter ™ (@lindarutter) June 30, 2018
Dear diary…
Hey, it works as well with Krass as it does with Acosta!
— Jere .-.. . .- .-. -. / – — / -.-. — -.. . CTN (@JereCTN) June 30, 2018
You shouldn't let your kid read Peter Fonda's tweets.
— Jules of Denial (@Coolish_Breeze) June 30, 2018
Yes, let’s keep families together …
They should be reunited immediately in their countries of origin
— Paul M. (@ArizonaPaul) June 30, 2018
UH OH! Trump & ICE respond during #FamiliesBelongTogether marches and lefties are NOT going to like it
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 30, 2018
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