The previous time that Donald Trump supposedly solicited Hillary Clinton’s assassination from his campaign podium, the reverberations were massive. A Democrat super PAC reached out to “high-level contacts” in the FBI to demand Trump’s arrest, right about the same time a Clinton campaign staffer was drafting a fundraising email based on Trump’s comments.
As Twitchy reported, Trump on Friday served the media another supposed solicitation to assassinate his opponent, saying at a rally in Miami that Clinton’s bodyguards should be disarmed, adding, “Let’s see what happens to her” — not the best ad lib following a horrible week for the Clinton campaign.
No one freaks out over anything gun-related like Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), who after the Pulse nightclub massacre decided to blame Republicans for selling guns to ISIS. In August, Murphy scolded Trump for inspiring “unstable people with powerful guns and an unhinged hatred for Hillary,” and on Saturday he tweeted that Trump would have blood on his hands were anything to happen.
Hey @realDonaldTrump, if you keep suggesting your supporters kill @HillaryClinton, someone will listen. The blood will be on your hands.
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) September 17, 2016
Twitchy regular Joyce Carol Oates agreed, adding that supporters of He Whose Name Must Not Be Spelled (Cher has settled on a toilet emoji) would only cheer if Clinton were killed.
This would only boost his polls. Supporters would cheer as they do now at rallies to the cry "Burn the witch!"
— Joyce Carol Oates (@JoyceCarolOates) September 17, 2016
If only Kira Ayn Davis would show up right about now …
Do you seriously think T***p's supporters would not cheer? Perhaps you are too calm/ comatose.
— Joyce Carol Oates (@JoyceCarolOates) September 17, 2016
Except for the millions of unemployed, but yes. Even those who have sworn to move out of the country will be right where they were the week before.
Hope you are correct but this sounds like (pardon the expression) "white privilege." complacency not for non-whites.
— Joyce Carol Oates (@JoyceCarolOates) September 17, 2016
Oh, please. Complacency is for white folk — which came as a surprise to Davis: writer, blogger, Breitbart Spirit Award winner, and well-known non-white person.
She's not white, idiot.
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) September 17, 2016
Kira is black. ????
— Emily Zanotti’s Great & Unmatched Wisdom (@emzanotti) September 17, 2016
.@JoyceCarolOates I'm sure @RealKiraDavis appreciates you explaining to her how black people feel.
— Amelia (@AmeliaHammy) September 17, 2016
, Please tell us more what black people think, Ms. Whitey McMayonaise.
— Chica'sBailBonds (@irinamoises) September 17, 2016
Jesus. I thought she was a Dead White Author. Good for her… I suppose.
— Matthew Hopkins (@General_Hopkins) September 17, 2016
I'm sure @RealKiraDavis appreciates you blacksplaining to her. Having white liberals tell her how to think is helpful.
— Brodigan Strong Style (@brodigan) September 18, 2016
, so @RealKiraDavis is the new face of "white privilege."
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) September 17, 2016
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