In all sincerity, there’s absolutely no reason for anyone who has followed the arc of the Hillary Clinton email scandal to read the note posted to her Facebook page tonight. The “new” Hillary Clinton is still recycling all of the old excuses that have been demolished many times over, but now she’s pretending to be contrite while doing it. Gone are the “What, like with a cloth or something?” gags.
She never did anything illegal, but she did make mistakes. She should have used two email addresses but used only one. She never sent nor received anything that was marked classified at the time. She’s released all of her work emails to the government to be passed on to the public. Of course you have questions; it’s a very complex matter. But she’ll try harder to be transparent.
@HillaryClinton Cold and calculating. Every syllable vetted by a legion of lawyers. Rings as hollow as any "apology" you're likely to read.
— Wrathed Grapes (@PerfectGameLen) September 9, 2015
@HillaryClinton Are you sorry you deleted tens of thousands of emails & then wiped your server clean (not with a cloth)?
— Colorado RedTraci (@goptraci) September 9, 2015
.@HillaryClinton coulda, woulda, shoulda… #nhpolitics #iapolitics
— Joe Dunn (@JoeDunn8) September 9, 2015
@HillaryClinton if you want to be transparent then why did you have your server erased. It's not complex situation. You lied.
— Jarso (@JarsoJjarso) September 9, 2015
Proven lie
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 9, 2015
Clinton maintains use of personal email allowed by State, fails to mention hosting top secret class. info is illegal
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 9, 2015
And for the people who like the super-dumbed-down “pretty” version, there’s this:
That's not how this works, Hillary. That's not how any of this works.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 9, 2015
@TheRickWilson They're going all-in on this "marked" fraud. But what else can they do?
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) September 9, 2015
@kerpen exactly
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 9, 2015
@TheRickWilson The word "server." It's… where? I guess that was #5. #CuttingRoomFloor
— Chris Hynes (@realchrishynes) September 9, 2015
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