As Twitchy reported yesterday, National Review contributing editor Jim Geraghty gave the world some “you are there” perspective on the Americans for Prosperity Defending the Dream Summit by leaning out the window and posting photos of the protests out front. The highlight was someone dressed as the Koch Bros. skyscraper; that is, until the puppeteers got serious and brought out their giant Scott Walker puppet.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 21, 2015
Protesters near the Americans for Prosperity summit carry a puppet of Scott Walker. See more:
— Columbus Dispatch (@DispatchAlerts) August 21, 2015
Scott Walker puppet is blocking front door of Franklin County Convention Ctr. People inside are flipping bird at it
— Jo Ingles (@joingles) August 21, 2015
Speaking today at #Dream15 was Sen. Marco Rubio, who also appeared in giant puppet form.
@exjon we need to start fighting back with papier mâché @KurtSchlichter
— Amelia (@AmeliaHammy) August 22, 2015
She might be right. Republicans have been relying on speeches, debates and town hall meetings to win over voters, while progressives dominate the giant freaky puppet game. We wonder why Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal, who also spoke at #Dream15, didn’t rate their own puppets. Poll numbers?
This is a cute family photo. I'm waiting for the "Hillary is a Soros puppet" #Dream15
— Kevin Boyd? ?? (@TheKevinBoyd) August 22, 2015
It’s not really a puppet, but this Bernie Sanders float shows a willingness to get down and dirty with the papier-mâché.
Bernie Sanders papier-mâché float. Local 4th July parade. Sugarbush, VT.
— Alix Strauss (@AlixStrauss) July 7, 2015
Just for fun, here’s a “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” puppet that Sally Kohn called “powerful and beautiful.”
Art in motion for the #FergusonOctober march
— Amanda M. Sakuma (@iamsakuma) October 11, 2014
We just don’t understand the People’s Climate March puppet, unless it was lying around in storage.
Because if we build enough big freaky puppets, the planet will be saved! #peoplesclimatemarch
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 21, 2014
Don’t confuse the People’s Climate March with the Forward on Climate March.
— Forward on Climate (@ClimateForward) February 17, 2013
Eunice P. Justice isn’t gigantic or papier-mâché but a good size for a talking uterus.
RT @lizzwinstead: Not only is @EunicePJustice a @LadyPJustice freedom fighter, shes also a major talent. #LPJ2014
— Eunice P Justice (@EunicePJustice) June 23, 2014
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