If you didn’t believe Wendy Sherman, lead negotiator for the Iran deal, when she called it “a very good deal” put together with the help of her team of “unsung heroes,” maybe you’ll believe Vox’s Max Fisher, who was “simply astounded at how good this Iran deal is.”
One of the two needs to head to Times Square quickly this evening with a really, really big megaphone, because there are thousands of people assembled there to protest the deal.
Organizers say over 10,000 people have showed up in NYC to protest the bad #IranDeal. Amazing! #StopIranRally pic.twitter.com/jtNxj7WVDb
— FJ (@Natsecjeff) July 22, 2015
That is a huge protest.
Anti IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL Rally in Times Square NOW pic.twitter.com/bW57xbMkCG
— Andrea Shea King (@RadioPatriot) July 22, 2015
About a 1000 or so Anti-#IranDeal protesters in Times Sq., with a mushroom cloud plastic balloon & flags of #Israel. pic.twitter.com/9i9m1VZATG
— Bahman Kalbasi (@BahmanKalbasi) July 22, 2015
@DefendWallSt Is that a mushroom-shaped cloud?
— ToHellinAHandbasket (@ugottabekidn) July 22, 2015
Large anti-Iran deal protest happening now in New York City (video via @JosiahRyan) pic.twitter.com/4Xe6NA36Mk
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 22, 2015
More scenes from Times Square where thousands are rallying for Israel, against Obama admin's proposed Iran deal pic.twitter.com/EFrSYBjy6M
— Josiah Daniel Ryan (@JosiahRyan) July 22, 2015
Thousands of people have showed up in NYC to protest against the #IranDeal. #StopIranRally #NoBombForIran pic.twitter.com/TjFJqsYJRH
— FJ (@Natsecjeff) July 22, 2015
NYC IRAN PROTEST – Protesters in Times Square demand Congress vote down the proposed Iran deal http://t.co/rxHRlSSDdz pic.twitter.com/oqEeZ6pc0J
— AP USVideoAlert (@AP_USVideoAlert) July 22, 2015
For a “very good deal,” Americans aren’t reacting quite the way Iranians did, according to Reuters:
In an speech at a Tehran mosque punctuated by chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”, Khamenei said he wanted politicians to examine the agreement to ensure national interests were preserved, as Iran would not allow the disruption of its revolutionary principles or defensive abilities.
This is how you do it. Voices still matter! RT #StopIranRally @securefreedom @IranTruthUSA #TimesSquare pic.twitter.com/ZPMCTaW4f0
— Frank Gaffney (@frankgaffney) July 22, 2015
There was also a protest in Toronto this afternoon, and other cities joined in as well.
700+ gave up lunch hour at 1st protest of the day against the asinine #IranDeal took place in Toronto pic.twitter.com/HQAyMPoQyr
— ThingsIsee (@ThingsIsee) July 22, 2015
Iran Deal protest on the corner of NE 3rd Ave and Broward Boulevard in #FortLauderdale pic.twitter.com/YOwRwgwHgp
— Brooke Baitinger (@bybbaitinger) July 22, 2015
Thousands gather to protest the Iran deal @ #stopiranrally in NYC pic.twitter.com/J2RoyJQcZV
— Rabbi Shmuley (@RabbiShmuley) July 22, 2015
* * *
‘Death to America’ update: How’s the agreement with our ‘deal partner’ Iran going over in Tehran?
CBS report: Iranians still chant ‘Death to America,’ but ‘more out of habit’
‘Whopper lies’: WH’s spin on why the Iran deal didn’t include hostage release is laughable
Lead negotiator calls Iran deal ‘very good,’ says Obama has supported Israel more than any president
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