Why is Nancy Pelosi’s daughter still fighting the 2012 election? President Obama was reelected, and he followed up his A+ week of Supreme Court victories with great news on the jobs front. At a speech in Wisconsin, he crowed about the unemployment rate dropping to its lowest level in seven years and trolled Republicans who said Obamacare would cost thousands of jobs, saying, “Play back the tape.”
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defended his own state’s unemployment rate on social media during the president’s speech, but tonight, it was Sen. Bernie Sanders speaking before a crowd of about 7,500 in Portland, Maine, who got in the most serious jabs at the president, essentially calling his numbers bogus. Could President Obama #FeelTheBern?
Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said Obama is lying about the unemployment numbers.. Hello media?!?!#tcot #UniteBlue
— kerry ⭐⭐⭐ ?? (@K1erry) July 7, 2015
Bernie Sanders in Maine tonight just called the Obama Admin job growth numbers bogus. Think this would be newsworthy pic.twitter.com/GZrAmkGFQE
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
Does Mrs. Clinton agree with this claim @brikeilarcnn? Would be a nice question to ask https://t.co/ZPKqNeE2DB pic.twitter.com/xp7WFp4nsh
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
Obama Admin "Record job growth. 5% unemployment."
Democrat running in 2016 "Real Unemployment is 10.5%"
Media not reporting it.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
More importantly why doesn't a single candidate or GOP have an ad out with Sanders saying 10.5% next to Obama saying 5.3%. Holy shit.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
I'm going to pull my fucking teeth out over this. Weapons grade incompetence from GOP digital and campaign teams.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
Candidate with same economicsc as two term President is admitting that their policies have made things worse and no one can link these?
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
Here’s a good attempt.
Shorter Bernie Sanders: "Obama's liberal policies have led to real unemployment at 10.5%. Vote for me; I'm even further left than he is."
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) July 7, 2015
If Sanders is contradicting Obama admin, why?
Who is lying here and why?
What is real number?
Questions that should be answered.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
And who does Grandma side with? Admin unemployment or Sanders unemployment. Not hard stuff
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 7, 2015
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