Celebrities from Billie Jean King to Lady Gaga to Ellen DeGeneres tweeted their support for Bruce Jenner during his interview with Diane Sawyer Friday night.
#BruceJenner we learn from you to be courageous, funny and to be our authentic self. With love and Go For It!
— Billie Jean King (@BillieJeanKing) April 25, 2015
We have the chance to write this moment in history together. Let's empower people like Bruce all over the world by being loving & not mean.?
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) April 24, 2015
Bruce Jenner is a beautiful, brave human being. Sending him lots of love. He's saving lives and opening minds tonight.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 25, 2015
Among those celebrities was Twitchy favorite Rob Lowe.
I was proud of Bruce Jenner in Montreal and I'm proud of him tonight. Some have to fight more than the rest of us for their happiness.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) April 25, 2015
@RobLowe What a great perspective. Thank you for saying it
— Keren (@KerBearSays) April 25, 2015
@RobLowe That was really great. Perfectly said.
— JP (@SdBWorking) April 25, 2015
@RobLowe Well stated!!! He is Still a Champion!!!!
— Philip R. Smith (@ssimmstown) April 25, 2015
@RobLowe If it makes him happy I'm all for it#BruceJenner
— BeachBeaker (@beaker_beach) April 25, 2015
@RobLowe what a beautiful thing to say Rob
— Daniel (@djdrm1972) April 25, 2015
@RobLowe I don't understand it, but I wish the best in his journey! God loves us all and we should be kind to everyone!
— Karen K (@Krollkaren) April 25, 2015
In fact, the support for Jenner was nearly universal … at least until Jenner told Diane Sawyer that “of course I’m a Republican.”
Sawyer: Are you a Republican?!?! Jenner: Of course, I believe in the Constitution #BruceJennerABC
— Lisa De Pasquale (@LisaDeP) April 25, 2015
Love it! Jenner came out as a conservative! #BruceJennerABC
— Jimmy LaSalvia (@JimmyLaSalvia) April 25, 2015
And Bruce Jenner just trolled the entire media
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner comes out…as a Republican. Diane Sawyer asks if GOP will accept him. How about, will transgender community? #BruceJennerABC
— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) April 25, 2015
About that universal love and acceptance:
— Celeste Katz Marston (@CelesteKatzNYC) April 25, 2015
So any sympathy my mother had for Bruce Jenner evaporated once she heard he wasn't a fan of President Obama.
— Joel D. Anderson (@byjoelanderson) April 25, 2015
hi Bruce Jenner. you had me, until you said you were a republican. you're a stupid fuck.
— Del Stamp (@delzilla) April 25, 2015
So much educating going on right now! #BruceJennerABC
— Perez Hilton (@PerezHilton) April 25, 2015
You have no idea, Perez.
#BruceJenner just came out… as a Republican! Now THAT's shocking!!!!!!!!
— Perez Hilton (@PerezHilton) April 25, 2015
I'm curious to see what Republicans will say about #BruceJenner being one of them and him thinking the party will be accepting of him now.
— Perez Hilton (@PerezHilton) April 25, 2015
@PerezHilton I'm republican and I don't have a problem with it #BruceJenner #BruceJennerABC
— Sheila (@Sgroberts121657) April 25, 2015
@PerezHilton We will be a helluva lot more accepting of him than you will be of Republicans…
— carol (@36milestoempty) April 25, 2015
@PerezHilton I'm curious as to why you think Republicans can't be accepting??
— d (@daniellebranz) April 25, 2015
@PerezHilton I'm a republican and I think what Bruce is doing is amazing and incredibly brave. Not all of us are intolerant and ignorant.?
— Stacey Neese (@staceyneese) April 25, 2015
@PerezHilton @GayPatriot I'm curious to see what the LGBT community thinks about #BruceJenner knowing he's a republican.
— Loud Dog (@Loud_dog) April 25, 2015
@PerezHilton we accept anybody that is gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender Perez…..
— Steve Banac (@Steveb2o3) April 25, 2015
@Leann_az @JayCaruso @GayPatriot @PerezHilton Mostly, we really don't care. Sorry to be iconoclastic.
— The Cat That Walked By Himself (@FiveChels) April 25, 2015
Wonder if left will commit seppuku over Jenner being a republican or will they be open minded and accept?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 25, 2015
Hey @DianeSawyer, this conservative supports Bruce Jenner's right to live whatever lifestyle makes him happy. I assure you, we're out here!
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) April 25, 2015
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