The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday evening received an update from IRS Deputy Inspector General Timothy P. Camus on the ongoing efforts to recover former IRS director Lois Lerner’s missing emails. Although Lerner had insisted that her emails had been lost in a hard drive crash and the backup tapes destroyed, Camus said investigators were able to find hundreds of “irretrievably destroyed” tapes in just a couple of weeks.
According to the Washington Times, Camus says he has found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box.
.@TGowdySC questions witnesses on missing #IRS emails.
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) February 27, 2015
IG finds missing tapes, learns IRS never bothered to look for them:
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) February 27, 2015
If you can believe it, here's an actual email sent by Lois Lerner:
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) February 27, 2015
That, along with the alleged absence of any backups, did raise a few red flags in the IRS targeting scandal.
But wait… There's more! 424 new IRS tapes found by the IG:
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) February 27, 2015
But Lerner had testified under oath that she had done nothing wrong, before quickly taking the Fifth.
@RepMarkMeadows As was screamed by all of us who'd worked in IT, any point in the last 25 years. Everything is always backed up @JohnEkdahl
— Snake Plisskenish (@_CrotalusAtrox_) February 27, 2015
"Um, yeah – first thing we thought of." -Every IT guy in the planet @RepMarkMeadows @JohnEkdahl
— Sleve McDichael (@SeahawkBurrrton) February 27, 2015
. @RepMarkMeadows but.. Obama and Dems have assured us not a hint of impropriety in the IRS. The IRS and Obama lied? ? @JimmyPrinceton
— Carma (@Carma_2012) February 27, 2015
Not a smidgen of corruption.
@RepMarkMeadows @JohnEkdahl What difference at this point does it make? I mean, Dude that was like 6 months ago!
— z7greens (@z7greens) February 27, 2015
@RepMarkMeadows @ReporterGreen Fire those IRS bastards!
— GranddadSteve (@stevekr49) February 27, 2015
Just abolishing the IRS altogether might save some time in that department.
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