If you thought the violence and rioting in and around Ferguson, Mo., last night was unbelievable, President Obama’s take on the effectiveness of his “peaceful protest” speech will blow your mind. According to White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz, the president feels his remarks to the nation were worthwhile since “most protests were peaceful.”
@markknoller @Schultz44 um what? over 10 stores burned to the ground, hundreds of shots, cars burned, assaults, etc. #OutOfTouchAgain
— Rick (@shershot99) November 25, 2014
Maybe he hasn’t read the paper yet today.
@markknoller @Schultz44 Protests were peaceful – sure if you ignore the Burning, the looting and the shooting…#Ferguson
— Torcer (@TorcerT) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 Someone please let the grownups back into the WH.
— catie lord (@tudsgrl) November 25, 2014
Word is the front door is kept unlocked.
@markknoller @Schultz44 Just like #WapoFactChecks found Bagdad Bob's claim of no US troops near Bagdad: Mostly True
— Chris (@d0gmah) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 don't bogart that #Ferguson hand me the pliers! split screen of @BarackObama mumbling & riots blazing = priceless!
— Venn Man (@r_bluesman) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 Check the split-screen tape. It doesn't lie.
Peaceful? Peaceful doesn't require firefighters or tear gas.
— crucker (@crucker) November 25, 2014
@markknoller I try not to swear, but is he really that F'n dumb. Or is he saying he thinks you reporters he's feeding BS to are F'n dumb?
— William Keane (@largebill68) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 The only explanation for this is that looters stole the White House Magnavox and he got his news from NPR on radio..
— Cayuga Conservative (@dap260) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 That is CRAZY, they say peaceful, maybe they need to go down there and hang out. Soo Disconnected.
— Betty (@bettybop49) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 Does the WH exist in a bubble, completely apart from reality? Did he not see what happened and is still happening?
— Zombie Dachshund (@ZombieDachshund) November 25, 2014
.@markknoller @Schultz44 My lying eyes are telling me the protests weren't peaceful. pic.twitter.com/NpYZLFLuVb
— BT (@back_ttys) November 25, 2014
@markknoller peaceful looting and arson? That's a new one.
— paracaidista (@paracaidista505) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 : Ah. This is some new definition of "peaceful" of which I was previously unaware. pic.twitter.com/ETziQOFQtO
— I'm a woman, and I'm mad as Hell (@nowhere_nh) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @LloydChristmis @Schultz44 "Obama feels his remarks were worthwhile" #NarcissistInChief #UGH
— TeaPartyPrincess (@Tea_Party_Princ) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 I have said for awhile that obama is out of touch with reality. If this does not prove it I do not know what would.
— Sick and tired (@AgnesSBaker) November 25, 2014
When dozens of businesses and cars are burnt up in a town of 22,000, it cannot be a "mostly peaceful protest". @markknoller #Ferguson
— Oregon Designer (@Easycure) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 un-fcuking believable
— BDJinCO (@DissidentBiker) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 He's so out of touch with reality!
— dsteffey (@dsteffey) November 25, 2014
@Tark31 He should know that a lot of black people lost businesses last night and may never rebuild.
— AEWHITE (@AsheWhi) November 25, 2014
@markknoller Everything looks more peaceful after a few bong hits.
— Lulu Lapin (@Lulu_Lapin) November 25, 2014
@PragueArtist @markknoller @Schultz44 Regular pot smokers tend to have a tenuous grasp on reality.
— Δυβια Βεε (@DubyaBee1) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 the scary part is, he might be self-congratulating. He is a psycho
— Top Secret Source (@mogem2) November 25, 2014
@markknoller @Schultz44 I'm not sure that our President was watching the same news channels we were. #clueless
— Jamie Southworth (@MimisCircus) November 25, 2014
@bythebaroness @markknoller @Schultz44 Closeted and delusional
— Δυβια Βεε (@DubyaBee1) November 25, 2014
* * *
‘Shut up Obama’: Demonstrators pelt president with F-bombs over ‘peaceful protest’ message
In case you missed it, Michelle Malkin NAILED Obama on his outrageous and enraging Ferguson response
‘Unreal’: Obama’s ‘rule of law’ remarks get mocked from all sides
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