There were plenty of questions for Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday at a House Hearing on Oversight of the Department of Justice. Fox News’ Shannon Bream and Breitbart’s Charlie Spiering were watching and live-tweeted much of the hearing.
Perhaps the most heated exchange was between Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert and Holder. “You don’t want to go there, buddy,” Holder warned Gohmert when he brought up the vote to hold Holder in contempt of Congress.
FULL VIDEO: Gohmert vs. Holder in House Judiciary Committee @HouseJudiciary
— Louie Gohmert (@replouiegohmert) April 8, 2014
– @replouiegohmert responds to Holder with Fast and Furious – "I don't need lectures from you…"
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy provided plenty of fireworks as he questioned Holder.
NOW: Rep @TGowdySC questioning AGHolder on "rule of law" issues
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
Rep. @TGowdySC asks Eric Holder why Obama can say that there isn't a "smidgeon of corruption" in the IRS when the DOJ is still investigating
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Eric Holder refuses to answer questions from Rep. @Jim_Jordan about whether or not he has interviewed Lois Lerner
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Holder refuses any comments about whether or not he has interviewed Lois Lerner, citing an ongoing investigation.
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Eric Holder says he has "no idea" who in his department leaked to WSJ about Lois Lerner – says he hasn't investigated the link
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Holder says that he investigates DOJ leaks to the media when national security is involved – not domestic issues
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Rep @TGowdySC asks AGHolder why he would put out memo telling prosecutors/judges to disregard laws as they're passed by Congress
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
@ShannonBream @gailtalk @TGowdySC A guy (Holder) charged w/upholding the law openly advocates breaking the law—pretty twisted ain't it?
— brd999 (@brd999) April 8, 2014
@ShannonBream Trey's questioning was beautifully played. @TGowdySC
— Susan Reaney (@SSReaney) April 8, 2014
Rep @TGowdySC to AGHolder "If we get to the place in this society where a memo is on equal footing with a law – we're in trouble"
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
We’re in trouble.
Idaho Rep. Raúl Labrador made it clear that Holder hasn’t been making his job as a Congressman easier.
Rep @Raul_Labrador to AGHolder – you make my job harder by going around the law and taking all this executive action
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
Rep @Raul_Labrador to AGHolder – there are tricks being played with the immigration numbers when you claim deportations are up
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
Rep @Raul_Labrador challenges Holder deportation numbers – saying that administration's claim of high numbers is wrong
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Rep. @Raul_Labrador suggests that Democrats are juicing deportation numbers
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold wondered this morning if Holder would cooperate.
#Holder testifies for the 7th time- maybe today he’ll provide the American people with the answers they deserve. #7thTimesACharm?
— Blake Farenthold (@farenthold) April 8, 2014
Rep. Farenthold says to Eric Holder's face that he doesn't think that Eric Holder should even be there
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Rep @Farenthold next to Q AGHolder says – Shouldn't be here, in contempt. I've called for his resignation. Avg American would be in jail.
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
Rather than Q AGHolder – Rep @Farenthold yields his time to Rep @TGowdySC – who is now questioning AGHolder again.
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
Sparks flew again when questioning returned to Gowdy.
AGHolder to @TGowdySC – We always have discretion. Gowdy: You don't have discretion about whether or not to follow the law.
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
Florida’s Ron DeSantis brought up the Justice Department’s investigation into the campaign donations of “2016:Obama’s America” filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.
Now in AGHolder hearing – @RepDeSantis brings up @DineshDSouza case asks – wouldn't you have to target in order to find this information?
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
– @SteveKingIA also questions Holder about investigations over Dinesh D'Souza and Chris Christie
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 8, 2014
Missouri Rep. Jason Smith wanted to know why states had to comply with Obamacare.
In AGHolder hearings – @RepJasonSmith asks if states don't "have" to comply with fed drug laws, why should states have to comply w Obamacare
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) April 8, 2014
@ShannonBream @RepJasonSmith Great Question!
— Steve (@MACHTink) April 8, 2014
@ShannonBream @RepJasonSmith Perfect question!
— Cole Keleher ?? ♊ (@ProudICTNative) April 8, 2014
and, as usual, he didn't receive an answer! There must be an 'ongoing investigation' 😀 @ShannonBream @4chunat1 @RepJasonSmith
— Sandy* (@s_j67) April 8, 2014
Editor’s note: A typo in Rep. Gowdy’s name has been fixed.
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