It wasn’t until May 2012, well into the fourth year of his first term, that President Obama “evolved” on the issue of gay marriage. Now, in January 2013, the media’s stance on homophobia seems to be evolving. Many noted that Obama’s election-year evolution was handily timed to shore up his base, and the media’s new outlook, coincidentally, comes just in time to benefit Obama’s nomination of Chuck Hagel to be the next Secretary of Defense.
Log Cabin Republicans have full page ad in WashPost critical of Chuck Hagel Gay Rights record & saying his apology: "too little, too late."
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) January 7, 2013
Conservatives have been vocal about their opposition to the Hagel nomination, even launching a #BlockHagel hashtag to spread the word that Hagel will likely be soft on Iran and no friend to Israel. The Log Cabin Republicans, though, have taken out a full-page ad in today’s Washington Post questioning Hagel’s record on gay rights. We all know that liberals fancy themselves champions of minorities, but gay Republicans? They’re a minority of a minority, so who cares what they think?
HuffPo hed: 'NOW THEY CARE ABOUT GAY RIGHTS!' – it has been quite odd to watch Fox News quote obscure gay groups slamming Hagel
— Jonathan Strong (@j_strong) January 7, 2013
Is the "gay backlash" to Hagel overrated? His name's been out there a while, but the only gay group on the record against him is v obscure.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) January 7, 2013
See, they’re obscure. Pay no attention. Plus, Hagel’s opposition to President Clinton’s “openly, aggressively gay” ambassador pick was a long time ago.
Also, the Washington editor for The Atlantic has written a personal testimonial asserting that Hagel is a “staunch defender of gay rights.” Apparently, it’s required reading.
Important, reassuring article by @SCClemons clarifying Chuck Hagel's views on gay and lesbian issues
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) January 6, 2013
Are we going to let ourselves be distracted from conservatives, the real hate-mongers?
It is so rich to have all these anti-gay hate mongers crying crocodile tears about Hagel's anti-gay outburst.
— Michael Steithefukhomovich Ditto (@janus303) January 7, 2013
Hagel's anti-gay hits should cause lefty outrage. But the Obama administration is the political Ganges, washing away all sin, absolving all.
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) January 7, 2013
Yeah, it looks like you’re not going to see that, either. Former Rep. Barney Frank has reportedly “dialed back” his criticism of Hagel.
Still a potent gay rights voice, Barney Frank dials back opposition to Chuck Hagel nomination via @BostonDotCom
— Mia Farrow (@MiaFarrow) January 7, 2013
Barney Frank: I can look past Hagel's anti-gay stands and vote yes.
— carolynryan (@carolynryan) January 7, 2013
Shocking, we know. Hagel does face a fight over his confirmation, but if there’s one thing to keep in mind, it’s that conservatives opposing him are the anti-gay ones.
I am a pro-gay rights GOP'er. Find Hagel's statements ignorant, homophobic and offensive, regardless of who nominates him or his affiliation
— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) January 4, 2013
I don't give a hoot what Hagel thinks about gay marriage,or the parties.He would negotiate w/terrorists and stab Israel in the back.
— Kelly (@flyoverangel) January 6, 2013
Wait, Chris Matthews is confused? Where’s the BREAKING! tag?
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