With more than 70 percent of precincts reporting, Florida appears headed for an automatic recount as the vote tally between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama is ridiculously close, and third-party candidate Gary Johnson’s vote total covers the difference.
Will Libertarian Gary Johnson be Mitt Romney’s Ralph Nader in Florida? http://t.co/vsSyh4FY
— PostOnPolitics.com (@postonpolitics) November 7, 2012
In before Gary Johnson causes Romney to lose Florida. #Trolled
— Lowkey (@LokiXY) November 7, 2012
At the moment, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson's 30k votes might cost Romney Florida…
— Gavin Middleton (@gavinmiddleton) November 7, 2012
#GaryJohnson has more votes in Florida than the margin between President #Obama and #MittRomney
— Enlightened Gregory (@AaronTheWizard) November 7, 2012
Not happy Gary Johnson voters in Florida. Not happy.
— vbspurs (@vbspurs) November 7, 2012
Johnson has some new fans in Florida who didn’t vote for him.
If Gary Johnson throws Obama to Florida, that would be awesome.
— Erik Loomis (@ErikLoomis) November 7, 2012
Gary Johnson spoiling Florida would be so beyond epic.
— Matt Coldagelli ?? (@mattcoldagelli) November 7, 2012
In any case, a margin of difference of less than a half-percent triggers an automatic paper ballot recount. And what could go wrong with a recount in Florida?
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