Rapper Jay-Z warmed up the crowd at an Obama rally in Columbus, Ohio today with the most obvious rewrite possible of his hit “99 Problems,” replacing the word “bitch” with “Mitt.” Get it? He’s got 99 problems, but Mitt ain’t one.
Jay Z: "I got 99 problems but Mitt ain't one." I can't tell if that's a dis or if he just endorsed Mitt Romney.
— CC:Indecision (@indecision) November 5, 2012
@KySportsRadio So he's saying Mitt Romney is not a problem? Jay Z clearly wasn't an English major.
— Kelly Starnes (@KStarnes07) November 5, 2012
Jay Z: "Ohio, could you make some noise for your President—Barack Obama!" #Forward
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 5, 2012
Although Jay-Z name-checked Mitt throughout the song, the prerecorded backing track happily boomed out “bitch” in unison.
Jay-Z curses at Obama rally. Follows with "prolly shouldn't have said that."
— Naureen Khan (@naureeninnyc) November 5, 2012
The president told the crowd that he and Jay-Z have life stories that are similar, directly recycling a line he delivered after his September fundraiser at Jay-Z’s 40/40 club.
O says he and Jay-Z have this in common: "As younger men, people probably didn't think we'd be here."
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 5, 2012
omg…Obama is name-dropping Jay-Z…."i told him the other day how our lives are parallel" …this is a president or a celebrity hound?
— Prudence Paine (@PruPaine) November 5, 2012
politifact? RT @BuzzFeedBen: "Our lives are parallel a little bit" – Obama on Jay-Z
— Sam Stein (@samstein) November 5, 2012
. @BarackObama on what he has in common with Jay-Z: "Both of us have wives who are more popular than we are."
— Yahel Carmon (@Yahel) November 5, 2012
Jay-Z’s performance left the crowd fired up and ready to go to the polls … which closed earlier in the day in Ohio.
Voting is closed for the day. RT @elisefoley: Jay-Z on voting: "How many people going right after this concert here?" [Crickets] "Not many."
— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) November 5, 2012
Also appearing on behalf of the president today was Bruce Springsteen, who we’ll credit with taking the time to write an original, albeit horrible, track for the campaign. Sadly, Jay-Z’s lyrical effort today was even outdone by Newark, N.J., Mayor Cory Booker, responding to a constituent.
Here @corybooker, can you sort the pothole outside? Granda swears blind he only votes FF but if ya sort that he'll take care of ya next time
— Lee Daly (@leedalyire) November 5, 2012
Sir, it looks like you live in Dublin, Ireland. I've got 99 problems & your ditch ain't one MT @leedalyire Can u sort the pothole outside?
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) November 5, 2012
Beyoncé shows off massive Obama earrings, fashionistas drool; will Bey join Jay-Z and O in Ohio?
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