Twitter is abuzz with anticipation tonight as Matt Drudge has lit up his siren and slowly drips out information about a “curious” tape airing tonight, the eve of the first presidential debate.
News outlets are scrambling to get the details of the tape out first before it airs on Sean Hannity’s show tonight. BuzzFeed claimed to have found the video of the speech, first pointing to a nine-minute edit of remarks then-Senator Barack Obama made in 2007 at a ministers’ conference at Hampton University.
Is This Obama's 'Other Race Speech' That Drudge And Fox News Are Teasing? (VIDEOS) (UPDATED)
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) October 2, 2012
Drudge, however, keeps adding quotes that appear neither in that edited video nor in an online transcript.
Time’s Mark Halperin has already thrown a fit, labeling the video a #freakshow and advising followers in a tweet to “Look away.” Progressives, Obama campaign staffers and other media outlets too are doing their best to keep passerby moving along, with the admonition that there’s “nothing to see here.”
Man – you know the right wing knows it's in trouble when it dredges up videos that have been on youtube for years as game changers. #lame
— Brad Woodhouse (@woodhouseb) October 2, 2012
Romney should answer for this lame/divisive crap being peddled by Drudge/Hannity. Is this how you are going to conduct your campaign, sir?
— Brad Woodhouse (@woodhouseb) October 2, 2012
Hannity? Seems like a good reason to stand down.
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) October 2, 2012
Rev. Wright? OMG!!! Who knew the two were connected?
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) October 2, 2012
Romney probably embarrassed by Drudge/Fox fiasco. (vid won't win Mitt 3 new votes.) then again Mitt ceded control to RW media months ago
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) October 2, 2012
Just listened to Drudge's and Hannity's blockbuster secret speech that was actually a university address on YouTube for 5 yrs and … nothing
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) October 2, 2012
Daily Caller plans exclusive release of video already on YouTube! #DrudgeShit
— flavortown alderman (@jesseltaylor) October 2, 2012
A bit late to this Drudge video, but if my sources are correct it appears that Barack Obama is a black man.
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) October 2, 2012
Twitter reacts to Drudge's latest act of desperation: "That was lame."
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) October 2, 2012
don't know what else this video will show, but i used that "He's a friend + a great leader" bite in a World News piece in March 08.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 2, 2012
Satisfied? Nothing to see here. Forgive us if we check it out anyway.
@jaketapper Perhaps you should watch the video before you decide what is in it.
— Jim Wilke (@JimWilke) October 2, 2012
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