At least she has rescinded her claim to being a Republican.
Jennifer Rubin remains as one of the token ‘conservative’ columnists at The Washington Post, and it never fails to deliver a laugh. Whenever promotes a conservative position by all means let us know here at Twitchy – we would definitely want to record the moment.
Meanwhile, Jenn is busy fan-girling over the distinctly non-conservative President of our nation. Even by the non-existent standards, we hold for her anymore, this latest column is just out of control ridiculous.
Contrary to some cynical pundits, Biden was not “lucky” to win in 2020. He is not a gaffe machine; indeed, he is religiously on-message and often eloquent.
— Jennifer 'pro-voting' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) March 14, 2021
This is so far removed from reality that using the term ”gaslighting” falls woefully short of describing the departure. Maybe it is horrible timing that in a week where people mocked his nationally televised speech, and we saw him blanking on the name of his Secretary of Defense and incapable of remembering what is called The Pentagon, she chose to describe Biden as ”on-message” and ”eloquent”.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) March 14, 2021
That explains why he does not face the scrutiny of the press.
— Black Labrador (@AntiqueSully) March 14, 2021
Seriously, stop, lady.
Tryin to put lipstick on this pig is just sad at this point.
— D.K. Have a great day? (@DeniseK_USA) March 14, 2021
Worse than that, she seems — ”distracted”.
— Ingenuous Firebrand (@ING2Firebrand) March 14, 2021
— Aelfred The Great (@aelfred_D) March 14, 2021
Biden is exhibiting his verbal prowess and eloquence to a level which we have never before experienced, e.g. “…the guy who runs that outfit over there.”
— Bolder Trades ???? (@BolderTrades) March 14, 2021
We mean…seriously now.
I see you’ve made the move to comedy ???
— B (@bbro11111) March 14, 2021
Now THIS would explain a lot!
He’s genuine, speaks from the heart.
— Wear a Mask ?? (@Sdptsue18) March 14, 2021
Uh, it appears you misspelled ”teleprompter”.
— Igor Schatz (@Copernicus2013) March 14, 2021
Summed — Up. That encapsulates everything we are experiencing right now.
There's a lot of #CrazyTalk in here.
"ran a disciplined campaign" = stayed in the basement."strove to win over House and Senate Republicans" = ignored them and signed executive orders
How do they write these things without being struck down by lightening?
— Ron C (@Ron3965) March 14, 2021
A theory — she takes the cue from Biden and hides in a lightning-proof bunker. It is the safest plan for her at this point.
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