It was for much of yesterday morning that Emily Lindin, an avowed feminist and proven shallow-thinking author, spent trying to sell the concept that abortion was normal. One could say that, if you want to be regarded as a serious mind on social matters, maybe not retweeting insipid articles from Teen Vogue is a good first step. A favorite hot take was her stating that abortion was the ”most responsible decision” a woman could make about her body.
I’m sure being polluted with testosterone leads one to ask why avoiding the unwanted pregnancy in the first place is somehow not a more responsible decision.
Well — Emily did not stop with her lengthy attempt to forward the abortion agenda. Later in the day, she made an attempt at cutting down some of those who opposed her stance. It…went just about as well as her earlier attempts.
“Pro-Life” folks could consider rebranding as “Anti-Pleasurable-Sex-For-Women.” It would be more accurate, according to all the people I’m currently subtweeting
— Emily Lindin (@EmilyLindin) January 22, 2020
Understand, this is a woman positioning herself as some type of expert on sexual matters, as well as lecturing about the workings — both inner and outer — of the female form. She now has taken the stance that somehow deciding to have an abortion impacts the pleasure experienced from the previous act that led to the conception.
Ohhhhhh…………………………………………………………….kay then.
You sound super well educated about sex.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) January 22, 2020
This is legitimately the dumbest Tweet I’ve seen all day and I saw Adam Schiff earlier.
— St. Antonio (@LoneStarTexian) January 23, 2020
You might need a sex education class or two, I think.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) January 23, 2020
No, no — she’s totally and completely an absolute entirely super hyper-smart expert on sexuality. Don’t you see that blue check next to her name? It means her smartness is the smartest kind of intellectual smarticism on the market.
This just in!
The only way for Emily Lindin to reach orgasm is to murder unborn children!
This comes as a shock to no one other than the doctors performing the procedure.
We'll have an interview with her husband on the hour.
But first, is PBJ racist? More at 11.
— Scott the Russian Bot (@onepepeatatime) January 23, 2020
If you cannot get off unless there is the high chance to cease a life, then you are the problem.
— Pengy (@TheEmperorPeng) January 23, 2020
I mean, you find pleasure in abortion, so I'd say that looking to you for a balanced view isn't the wisest of ideas.
— Corinne (@ConservaGrrl) January 22, 2020
I just don’t like killing people in order to receive sexual gratification.
— Kelly Campagna (@warriorwoman91) January 22, 2020
How does pleasurable sex = killing babies? I'm so completely lost.
— Señia (@ayasgirl) January 22, 2020
It’s pretty easy to grasp; once you agree to have an abortion it means you will have a more intense orgasm…uh, 2 months ago…er, when you conceived.
It’s a well-known fact that women never enjoyed sex before 1973.
— Lester Dent (@LesterDent) January 22, 2020
This response needs all the love it deserves.
Ok but only if we rebrand @EmilyLindin as "Not-Good-At-Twitter."
— . (@t4rdi5_) January 22, 2020
She posted a ratio in the 300/1 level. That is all the measurement needed.
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