Over the last few days, corporations have fallen victim to the #BoycottNRA movement. Anti-gunners have called on corporations who offer discounts to NRA members to drop the discounts and sever ties with the pro-gun organization.
FedEx finally stepped up and voiced their opinions on gun control measures.
FedEx responds to questions on the National Rifle Association, gun safety and policy https://t.co/qYgmbyQ5jk pic.twitter.com/02q1hD2Q9s
— FedEx (@FedEx) February 26, 2018
You have to give them credit. They don’t agree with anything the NRA stands for, but guess what? They’re one of a few federally recognized carriers who provide service to federal firearms licensees (FFL), meaning they ship firearms from one FFL to another.
This was definitely a smart PR move.
JUST IN: FedEx issues statement on its relationship with the NRA: "FedEx is a common carrier under Federal law and therefore does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views." pic.twitter.com/aeiheWXmer
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) February 26, 2018
You are forcing me to use UPS or USPS. No to the NRA. No to special discounts to NRA members.
— Jim, Retired HS/College Science Educator, Sarcasm (@henseljim1) February 26, 2018
But if they offer discounts to a lot of different groups that not really “special.”
Don’t you think it’s time to make an exception, and #BanTheNRA ?#EnoughIsEnough
— Paul O. Phelps, MD, FACS (@PaulPhelpsMD) February 26, 2018
You clearly didn’t read the last part of their statement. They won’t discriminate against someone because of their political beliefs.
Drop the @nra. Show some courage!
— Bambi (@bambi380) February 26, 2018
THIS statement WAS courage.
Nice try. I'm not convinced. #fedexboycott
What can Brown do for me? #ups
— Rob Burwell (@LatrellBurwell) February 26, 2018
They don’t have to convince you.
Bravo. All companies should make their own decisions and not just succumb to those with the loudest voice.
— Gbuc (@gbuc1776) February 26, 2018
So why not end your marketing/discount associate with the NRA if you see that their absolutism leads to death. This isn't a political issue @FedEx this is a human right to live issue. sometimes it is OK to make a stand instead of a drive by piece of sympathy. #MakeAStand #FedEx
— Brad Tayloe (@bradleygt89) February 26, 2018
Limitations to the Second Amendment IS political.
Your company's behavior is actively supportive of the NRA's agenda. The claim that you oppose allowing virtually anyone to buy assault weapons is *demonstrably* false as long as you continue to do business with the NRA.
— Nick (@nrobinson) February 26, 2018
Offering discounts to groups who have a membership isn’t doing business with the group. It’s doing business with the customer.
— jordan (@JordanUhl) February 26, 2018
So they have “blood on their hands” now too?
Not good enough. NRA lobbies for Cop killer bullets, silencers, assault weapons, firearm sales not subject to background checks=dead cops and other Americans.
— Rich Casagrande (@RichCasagrande) February 26, 2018
So. Many. Flawed. Arguments.
They’re doing what other companies don’t want to do.
— Ethos Clemens (@EthosClemens) February 26, 2018
— Lodestar (@ZeloZoo) February 26, 2018
Here comes more of the “blood money” shenanigans.
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