Last night, social media erupted when student Chloe Knox took to Twitter to explain that she was kept from asking Fox News’ Tomi Lahren about her pro-choice stance at Turning Point USA’s “Student Action Summit.”
Now, even more people are throwing in their two cents, including Lahren’s former boss, TheBlaze’s Glenn Beck.
Question w/ boldness’ w/o agenda. Hold to the truth and speak w/o fear. Live those 3 principles and you will lead the world out of darkness. Btw- no one has ever been fired by me for their opinion. I support those who are intellectually honest and rigorous.
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) December 22, 2017
Don’t you just love the “P.S. – she wasn’t fired for being pro-choice” comment at the end?
Daily Wire writer Elliott Hamilton also made sure his position was known amongst his conservative followers.
Ask Tomi! She’s the official “snowflake referee”…err, something like that.
Devin, don’t know that she’s “telling it like it is” when she decides to talk about the issue?
Others offered their support to Chloe.
Scotland has a point. No one should try to be controversial if they’re not willing to have their feet held to the fire.
Sorry this happened to you today, girl. Glad Charlie apologized for the mistake. Good for you for trying to ask a very important question. TPUSA = Free Speech, not ignoring the questions you don’t like/don’t want to answer. Great job of defending the unborn.
— Ginny Robinson (@realginnyrobins) December 22, 2017
We have to defend the unborn since they can’t speak for themselves.
Pot meet kettle.
@TomiLahren apparently is a snowflake as she likes to say, for not wanting to answer questions about her abortion stance. Blocking @knoxknoxwhosder ?? Are you melting Tomi?
— J Mock (@bigpoppajmock) December 22, 2017
Maybe she’s trying to avoid having an epic snowflake-like meltdown?
That about sums it up.
Someone else decided to share their “Final Thoughts” on Tomi’s Snowflake-ism.
Things continued to get heated when Second Amendment advocate Antonia Okafor, who is a known friend of Tomi’s, decided to jump into the mix.
Okay, I’ve been quiet about this for too long. Can we stop with this petty attack on @TomiLahren ?! As a former leftist, it’s obvious the Left is laughing at how conservatives perpetually eat their own. Enough!
— Antonia Okafor Cover (@antonia_okafor) December 22, 2017
But was Antonia prepared to be proven wrong about her assessment of the situation?
I totally agree petty attacks are wrong. But criticism is due when someone calls liberals snowflakes for 30 minutes then refuses to answer any questions that would cause her to defend her pro choice beliefs – at a conference promoting freedom of ideas & speech, no less.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) December 22, 2017
^^^^ Exactly!
Can we get a micdrop up in here?!
Then, Lawrence B. Jones III jumped in and what he said is 100 percent ON POINT.
You mean tribalism? Conservatives commentators should be able to defend their positions. Period. It’s not petty or personal. It’s literally what you sign up for!
— Lawrence B. Jones III (@LawrenceBJones3) December 22, 2017
If you’re a commentator of any kind you have to be able to comment on whatever is asked of you. It’s literally part of your job.
No, not tribalism. There is a difference between criticism and then continued attacks on a person.
— Antonia Okafor Cover (@antonia_okafor) December 22, 2017
How is this an attack? People are being critical of Tomi because she preaches about being open and honest and unapologetically conservative but she can’t take five minutes out of her day to respond to a simple question? If you make your political ideas known and you have a national platform then be prepare for people on all sides of the political aisle to criticize you.
If you can’t take the heat then don’t step in front of the camera.
Public figures automatically open themselves up to criticism of their views and public actions by the nature of the role and she does her fair share of attacking others. She had the opportunity to back up her stance and avoided it – and blocked the student who had the question.
— Whitney Munro (@whitney_munro) December 22, 2017
And the winner of today’s “common sense award” goes to DANIEL HAMAKER!
Quite simply, it was intellectual cowardess. I was there. Also, there's a difference between "eating your own" and being able to answer another conservative's fully legitimate, yet tough question.
— Josh Eisen (@JoshEisen) December 22, 2017
Again, if you’re going to be someone who calls out the liberals you need to be prepared to answer questions from your followers…and critics.
I don't think it's petty. When you take a stance, you should be willing to defend it. We slam the left for avoiding challenges to their arguments. We should have the same standards for our own. We need discourse and disagreement, not avoidance.
— A Conservatarian Named Jeff ?? (@JeffOnTheRight) December 22, 2017
It’s not okay for people on the Right to say the Left needs to be able to defend their positions but people on our side can’t do the same. If we want the Left to have an intelligent conversation with us then we need to start by having an intelligent conversation with the people on our own side.
She brings it on herself. Blocking people on Twitter, avoiding straight answers, running from hard questions. If she can't handle pressure, she should consider a new career.
— Mr. Good Grief (@mrbrinnon) December 22, 2017
Blocking questions in person, then blocking people on twitter who ask fairly straightforward question when you "champion" open dialogue and discussion of ideas is just plain hypocritical.
— Jared Carter (@Texan_n_Memphis) December 22, 2017
Apparently open dialogue is welcome, as long it’s on Tomi’s time, not anyone else’s.
Tomi semi-addressed this situation last night in a subtweet.
I stopped worrying about losing fans a long time ago. I’m far more concerned with losing myself trying to please the people around me.
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) December 22, 2017
Who’s asking you to lose yourself? All you had to do was answer a question. That’s not losing yourself. That’s explaining yourself.
You know, a real narcissist wouldn't apologize about her place as the center of the universe.
— Danny Baptista (@dannybaptista) December 22, 2017
Tomi, this post makes me sad. You HAVE lost yourself. You are an actress playing a part. Unfortunately, you are too young to realize the damage you have done. Someday you will, and you wont be able to escape it because it was so public. You can fix this, though. Tell the truth.
— Katie (@Ktsimmi) December 22, 2017
Hey ❄️, if you're afraid of "losing yourself" by taking questions on your positions, perhaps you need to work on toughening up a bit.
— Dan Moody (@DanielRMoody) December 22, 2017
Maybe a new Snowflake sweater will help?
Wait so @Eminem should worry about losing fans, but you, not so much? Do you listen to your verbal diahera or is it just cathartic release?
— Jess Koncz (@RedDevilWine) December 22, 2017
There are no words…
Even Liberals had some advice for Tomi.
BUT the best response to Tomi’s tweet:
If it makes you feel better, I had absolutely no clue who you were, and still don’t. Your tweet was retweeted by someone I follow. So, you cannot lose me since you never gained me. Merry Christmas Jane Doe.
— Justin Rice (@eljusty) December 22, 2017
Jane “Snowflake Hunter” Doe.
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