If you pay attention to the way the Left argues the issues, you can spot the moment the talking points go out, because every Lefty spouts some version of them and it happens almost simultaneously.
The latest argument for 'gender-affirming care' is that the Left is suddenly a champion of parental rights, and the state should have no say in whether or not parents sterilize and mutilate their children.
This writer told you about Kansas Governor Laura Kelly using that argument the other day and now former Clinton and Obama speechwriter Jon Lovett is echoing that refrain:
My position: you do not know better than parents and doctors what's best for a teenager you've never met, so let's keep the government out of it
— Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) February 24, 2025
By the way, not that it matters, but most states allow teenagers to get a tattoo if their parents consent because of the same… https://t.co/Gm5HSs9jTN
What about parents who don't want their children exposed to pornographic LGBTQ books in school? They're 'domestic terrorists.'
What about parents who want parental consent and notification if their daughter wants birth control and abortion? The Left don't care about their rights.
Or parents who don't want to subject their child to a lifetime of hormones and surgeries and sexual dysfunction to 'transition' them? In places like California and Minnesota, the government can take those children away.
The Left doesn't support parental rights. They're using it as a mask to support 'gender-affirming care.'
My position is: you don’t tell children they can be born in the wrong body, because it’s a lie. Simple as that.
— Sall Grover (@salltweets) February 25, 2025
Oh, and sex isn’t “assigned at birth”. It can be observed at 10weeks gestation.
And sex is encoded in DNA from the moment of conception.
This is silly, Jon. You don't know anything about the actual process by which medical researchers grade evidence, and if you expressed *any* skepticism of these treatments you'd be immediately ousted from your social and professional networks. You can't speak freely here.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) February 25, 2025
Skepticism and dissent were not -- are not -- allowed.
My position: Until @jonlovett humbles himself and takes the time to read relevant research, like the Cass Review, he will keep spouting nonsense in defense of one of the biggest medical scandals of our time. He is endorsing the sterilization of children, many of whom would likely…
— WomenAreReal (@WomenAreReals) February 25, 2025
In the next five to ten years, when the abuses and repercussions of 'gender-affirming care' become realized, guys like Jon will shrug and wash their hands of the trauma and pain they caused.
We don't let parents or doctors do whatever they like to children, or anyone, actually. It's called "society", where we all agree there are certain things which are not acceptable. One of those is child abuse, another is fraud, another is medical malpractice.
— Billy Bragg (@Serena_Partrick) February 25, 2025
Tattoos don't, as a rule, permanently destroy your sexual function or fertility or have any of a dozen other serious impacts on your health.
— Wings Over Scotland (@WingsScotland) February 25, 2025
This writer can confirm. She has several tattoos.
Actually, most states do not consent to teenagers below a certain age getting tattoos.
— Mike Breslin, Ph.D. 🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@mikebreslin815) February 25, 2025
Also, the logic of your tweet is that if a doctor gives his OK, parents can do anything they want to their child. Which opens up some pretty horrifying possibilities.
Other than that, great… pic.twitter.com/JqzTzLv6aB
There was an attempt.
My position is that you don’t need a medical degree or a relationship with anyone involved to know it’s morally bankrupt to sterilize children. https://t.co/mqyfTdIlYq
— Kaeley Triller (@KaeleyT) February 25, 2025
This is correct.
As a post op transsexual, what I do know is the mental and physical cost of transition. What I know is that no child, no matter how smart and strong you think they are can truly understand the impact of this on their life, and impact that is lifelong. https://t.co/Hdl5X7J7dk
— Agent 23996 Adopter of Cats 🧙 (@Kimberfan76) February 25, 2025
Weird how Jon ignores people like this.
No. The hazard of irreversible harm makes this not the same.
— Tactical Alligator Hooch (@CompanyHooch) February 25, 2025
Permanent skin ink != permanent mutilation or irreversible failed development of reproductive organs https://t.co/Z5f7ixCMyT
Tattoos can be removed.
Breast and penises removed during 'gender-affirming care' cannot be replaced.
This argument is often made by the exact same people who say that a child’s education is too important to leave to parents and that’s why homeschooling should be illegal and only government run school should be allowed and should be be mandatory
— Enguerrand VII de Coucy (@ingelramdecoucy) February 25, 2025
No intellectual consistency https://t.co/0NedpGvNCp
The hypocrisy is what they do best.
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