Nothing makes the Left more uncomfortable than being held to their own standards and made to play by the rules they force on everyone else.
For far too long, they've believed they are above the law, both in letter and spirit, and they operate under the assumption they're morally and intellectually superior to us icky conservatives. To that end, anything they do -- no matter how violent or vile -- is justified in the furtherance of their political cause du jour.
This is why they classify things like the violent, deadly, and disastrous BLM riots as 'free speech' but call 'misgendering' someone literal violence.
And when someone commits an act of so-called 'violence', they must be canceled.
Cancel culture it's the Left's version of Frankenstein's monster. It is a beast they created, thinking they'd always be able to control it.
For a while, the Right fought back against it by trying to get the Left to see reason and not ruin someone's life over a decade-old social media post. But the Left didn't listen to reason; they didn't want to.
There could be no dissent. The only allowable opinions were those the Left approved of, and even those were subject to change based on the way the wind was blowing.
Some of us (like yours truly) argued the Right needed to stop playing by the rule while the Left played Calvinball and it seems the Right is finally doing that.
And The Atlantic doesn't like that they've lost control.
Here's more from The Atlantic:
If a vogue for virtue signaling defined the 2010s and early 2020s, peaking in 2020 during the feverish summer of protest and pandemic—a period in which pronouns in bio, land acknowledgments, black squares, diversity statements, and countless other ethical performances became a form of social capital—something like the exact photonegative of that etiquette has set in now. The reassertion of brute reactionary power in the dual ascendancy of Donald Trump and Elon Musk has brought us to a cultural tipping point. Virtue be damned: Now we are living in an era of relentless, unapologetic vice signaling. Of all of Ye’s deranged posts, one was particularly confusing. “DO YALL THINK I CAN TURN THE TIDE ON ALL THIS WOKE POLITICALLY CORRECT S**T,” he asked. Here it seemed the infamous trendsetter was decidedly behind the times.
After a decade and a half of progressive dominance over America’s agenda-setting institutions—corporations, universities, media, museums—during which everyone was on the lookout for the scantest evidence of racism, sexism, xenophobia, transphobia, and every other interpersonal and systemic ill, it is not at all frivolous to ask what has been achieved. What, to put it bluntly, was all that cancel culture for?
We'll start by saying if you're holding up Ye as an example of Right-wing anything, you've lost the plot. He's an unhinged anti-semite who needs mental help and nothing else.
But I digress.
Cancel culture was never meant to build at 'kinder, friendlier, more inclusive and equitable world for all.'
It was always meant to be a fascistic cudgel that silenced opposition to the Leftist agenda. It was the Left, not the Right, who obliterated norms and decency.
By The Atlantic's own admission, cancel culture used 'shaming, coercion, and intimidation' to silence people into tacitly accepting Leftist ideology or risk losing their jobs and social status. That's not how you build a 'kinder' or 'inclusive' world.
That's how you oppress the half of society that disagrees with you.
But tell me more about how Donald Trump is the dictator, guys.
We warned the Left. I warned the Left.
Anyone with even a basic grasp of human history knows people rebel against tyrannies, both vast and petty. The Right's backlash against cancel culture and the use of it against the Left was inevitable and completely predictable.
The only people surprised by this are the Leftists at The Atlantic. Who think they're so much smarter than everyone else.
Now that the Frankenstein's monster of cancel culture the Left created is smashing up their world, they want it to stop. It was supposed to attack those people who held incorrect political and social views.
It was never meant to turn against them.
But turn it has.