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The Resistance Is Futile


From the moment Donald Trump was reelected president, the Left vowed to resurrect The Resistance, to stand up to the BAD ORANGE MAN who they smeared as literally Hitler for the better part of the last decade.

They truly see themselves as superheroes standing up to a comic book villain, the Rebel Alliance standing up to the Empire, or Hogwarts students combating Voldemort.

They are none of those things. They are power-hungry politicians who have spent years grifting and getting rich off the backs of the American people while using the power and largess of government to fund an incestuous relationship between their preferred politicians and NGOs. They created a vast network of organizations that all feed into one primary cause: obtaining and keeping Leftists in power and expanding that power.

So as I watch story after story about USAID and the insane, wasteful levels of spending funneled through this agency and the Left's Chernobyl-level meltdowns, something has become extremely clear: this is about more than reining in wasteful spending.

Much more.

This is about Donald Trump putting an end to the Left-wing lawfare state that hampered his first term and made his life a living hell for the last four years. This is about making sure the Leftist machine is so crippled it will have little influence over the next several election cycles -- possibly lasting decades.

USAID was the Left's lifeline to keeping their political clout on a low boil when they were out of power, and to keep Leftists ready for things like protests (remember the summer of 2020?) and to crank it up to eleven when Democrats control government.

The entire post reads:

When the Dems are out of power, the money that flows through NGOs keeps everyone employed and sustains the mission during the period when they don't control the actual levers of power in DC.  

Once they win elections and regain control, they shift to a higher gear and go back to full power.  

It is the mechanism by which the Left maintains its structure and manpower in the "out years."  

Starving it of money will lead to it breaking down.  

If Trump can persevere, and Vance can win 2 terms, it can be effectively destroyed.

Donald Trump will go down as one of the greatest men in American history if he can destroy the Left's machine.

There are dozens of posts on X highlighting questionable USAID spending, including a thread from DOGE's Joni Ernst, containing this post:

USAID spent $2 million to tell people to go to a terrorist state. If you think a dime of that actually went to tourism promotion, I have a bridge to sell you. That $2 million, like all the other money went somewhere, but likely not to the things for which it was earmarked.

Someone was making bank on Lebanese tourism. Can't wait to find out who, but for now we can guess:

The entire post reads:

This has long been the main source of nepo-corruption.   It is much easier to enrich the families of politicians via public funds sent in their direction that it is to enrich the politicians themselves.

There are many ways to do the latter, but simply creating Govt funded organizations for one obscure purpose or another, which are then headed by members of the extended family of politicians with great benefits and perks, is time-tested and bipartisan.  

The pushback is going to be the same.

This is meaty stuff. The kind of scoop for which journalists would win Pulitzers. But until the USAID cuts started coming, media were largely silent on the agency and its spending. Because a lot of outlets, including Politico, were being propped up by USAID. 

As the Politico story points out, USAID paid $517,000 to the media outlet for 37 'subscriptions.' That comes to almost $14,000 per subscription. There is no starker illustration of the grift than this.

And it's not just Politico:

Much bigger than Politico.

Media outlets -- those people tasked with holding the powerful accountable -- were taking a lot of money from those powerful people. 

We all knew media was in the tank for Democrats; that's not the surprising part. The fact they're taking lots of our tax dollars almost is. It's certainly breathtaking.

And it's likely the only thing keeping some of these outlets afloat. As we told you here, Politico happened to have a payroll 'glitch' right after the USAID spigot was turned off. Coincidence?

There are no coincidences.

Someone called it 9/11 for Democrats, and that's accurate. It is an implosion of the vast network of grift, money laundering, kickbacks, and media malfeasance that gave the Left lasting political power and the ability to resist not only Donald Trump but any Republican in office.

The Left knows this is a catastrophic, near-fatal blow for them and their Resistance. Everything they've done since USAID was shuttered proves this to be true. Their large protests, the hysterical screeching about Elon Musk and 'unelected billionaires,' and their threats of impeachment are all the last-gasp efforts of a wildly unpopular party that's facing a long period of electoral exclusion.

This is not just retribution. This is political annihilation.

And Resistance is futile.


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