This story is a perfect encapsulation of the Left: overwrought, hysterical, and entitled. The thing is, Canada -- unlike the U.S. -- seems to be enforcing its laws regarding asylum.
Daria Bloodworth moved to Canada in 2019, seeking 'asylum' for 'transphobic hate crimes.'
But he plays fast and loose with the definition of 'transphobic hate crimes':
lol there was one recent case of a transgender American trying to get asylum in Canada by claiming he had been the victim of a “transphobic hate crime” in the US.
— pagliacci the hated 🌝 (@Slatzism) January 28, 2025
turns out the “hate crime” was that his roommates had changed the wifi password because he hadn’t paid his bills
The roommate explains to police that the household had been struggling with Bloodworth’s behavior for months, and that repeated efforts had been made to evict him from the residence. He also says that Bloodworth often became enraged at the other tenants when they requested he pay his share of the bills, and that Bloodworth threatened to sue them for “pain and suffering” when they changed the WiFi password due to his nonpayment.
He says that an argument had finally broken out that day after the frustration reached a tipping point with respect to Bloodworth’s conduct. Specifically, Bloodworth’s lack of financial contribution to the household, and his tendency to come home in the middle of the night with no notice or consideration for the home’s quiet hours.
What a peach.
The roommate did pull out an unloaded rifle when Bloodworth came home late one night. He was not charged with any crimes related to that incident.
Canada's Refugee Protection Division (RPD) rejected Bloodworth’s claim for asylum in 2022, and in February of last year, his refugee status was revoked.
Gold Medal in the Victimhood Olympics
— SimultaneousPather (@EartherGraduate) January 28, 2025
Yep. World Record Holder, frankly.
Aligns with behaviour of someone unwilling to accept responsibility of their own life choices
— redpinecone (@redpinecone0) January 28, 2025
Always the victim.
they lost a roommate, he got asylum in Canada. Win/win
— M. Erekson Holt (@madmardy) January 28, 2025
Yep. Canada can keep him.
I love it when the trash takes itself out. But i feel bad for Canadians dealing with this insanity.
— Ask A Transwidow (@AskATranswidow) January 28, 2025
They welcome this stuff.
I have seen way too much of this case even if it's different situation but it all comes down to one conclusion: In their mindset or to them: "Anything I don't like" is a hate crime and they feel like they have the right to harass or attack you and nobody punish them for it
— Amy Symilton Gamequeen (@AGamequeen) January 29, 2025
'Things I don't like' are not hate crimes. Facing debt collectors and landlords because you don't pay your bills is not a hate crime. Not having access to Wifi you don't pay for is not a 'hate crime.'
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