In a lot of ways, it's really hard to believe this spring will mark five years since the COVID pandemic. This writer remembers it well: she took her son to the movies on March 10 for his birthday, with dinner plans for that Friday, March 13.
The entire world shut down in those three days.
It was an awful time and she was one of countless parents who had to work a full-time job (as a nurse during a pandemic no less) and then spend her 'off' days supervising remote learning. It was so bad by the end her children were begging to go back to school.
Those school closures did more harm to kids than good, and as study after study proves this, we need to hold those in power accountable for the damage they caused.
Here's another such study, from Jonathan Turley:
A new study reaffirms that there was no clear basis nor clear benefit from shutting down our schools. That is the true cost of censorship when the government works with the media to stifle scientific debate and public disclosures.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) January 26, 2025
In comparing these different countries, the scientists found no significant differences in reported cases: “No consistent patterns in cases, hospitalizations or deaths despite school re-openings or changes to public health measures,”
The suppression of the lab theory and the targeting of dissenting scientists show the true cost of censorship and viewpoint intolerance.
The very figures claiming to battle “disinformation” were suppressing opposing views that have now been vindicated as credible. It was not only the lab theory. In my recent book, I discuss how signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration were fired or disciplined by their schools or associations for questioning COVID-19 policies.
We all knew this. We all said this five years ago.
And the 'experts' ignored us, mocked us, attacked us, and censored us.
Remember this?
— Beverly A. Pekala (@PekalaLaw) January 26, 2025
We sure do.
And that's what lockdowns were all about.
What democrats did to our nation in the name of Covid, is a human rights atrocity the likes we’ve never seen. In fact, I believe majority of Americans agree and it was a large factor in voting for Trump.
— PenitentThief (@ThiefPenitent) January 26, 2025
And they'll do it again if given the chance.
To all parents, politicians, and policy makers:
— Janine Curran (@janinereturns) January 26, 2025
NEVER let this happen again.
Knee-jerk “In the abundance of caution” policies set students back years. Poor kids were the MOST affected. Forced “remote learning” was a cruel and cowardly practice.
Shameful, if not criminal.
This is why those that did it need to be held accountable. You should always err on the side of doing the least amount of harm. They did the opposite. Since they didn’t change as contrary data came out, I assume it was done for nefarious purposes. Tin pot dictators indeed.
— Dr. Oliver's Scalp Tonic President and CEO (@consilium65) January 26, 2025
It was all for nefarious purposes.
Some of us were saying this years ago. Now the evidence is overwhelming:
— Brit Hume (@brithume) January 26, 2025
And we won't get so much as an apology from those responsible.
Shutting down schools hurt a lot of children, far more than that virus ever did.
— Stanley W. Fields (@stanleyfields) January 27, 2025
We knew that in 2020 but got accused of wanting grandma to die
— varyar (@varyarpol) January 26, 2025
While BLM/Antifa goons got to riot and George Floyd had three public funerals.
The sad part about all this was that there really *ISN'T* any science on what to do about a pandemic like COVID.
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) January 27, 2025
It was a novel virus, nobody really knew what to do.
They were always just guessing, yet they won't just admit that they guessed wrong sometimes.
So dishonest.
Dishonesty is what they did best.
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