It's January 21 and, for America, that means it's winter. We know this is a newsflash for Lefties who don't seem to understand how seasons or weather work, but trust us: it's supposed to be cold and snowy.
Despite that reality, the Left insist on two very contradictory things: that we still have a global warming problem and somehow global warming makes winter colder.
Make it make sense.
But not one of the environmentalist Left's doom-and-gloom weather predictions has actually come to fruition. New York was supposed to be underwater 25 years ago, and the polar ice caps should've melted by now.
So as a lot of areas in the U.S. face cold and snow -- there are blizzard warnings for southern Louisiana today -- let's reflect on what The Washington Post said a year ago versus this morning:
How it started vs. how it’s going.
— Chris Martz (@ChrisMartzWX) January 21, 2025
What happened to that 'winter without snow' thing?
That's just amazing.
— Your Disapproving Dad (@disapprover69) January 21, 2025
It really is.
They're so bad at this.
And before people claim it’s climate change not warming, according to the Weather Channel, Galveston got 15 inches in 1896.
— Michael Acuff (@MichaelAcuff2) January 21, 2025
'Climate change' became the euphemism when they realized people weren't buying 'global warming' anymore.
The article on the left is climate change.
— MAGA. Name redacted for personal safety. (@Ralph_Laurentz) January 21, 2025
The article on the right is climate change.
Because 'climate change' is a catch-all term they can use to strip us of our rights.
I remember back in the early eighties Auburn university had historic ice and snow not a single lunch tray left in cafeteria made a great sled
— Aubiegirl83 (@aubiegirl83) January 21, 2025
That sounds fun. Not gonna lie.
Climate hoaxers clearly aren’t students of history.
— Kevin Meyer🙂🌸 (@KCchemguy) January 21, 2025
Or science.
I’m pretty sure the models show global warming leads directly to blizzards on the Gulf coast. It’s science!!!
— InFlyoverCountry (@littles1313) January 21, 2025
Science. Or something.
The absolute clownishness of people dumb enough to worry about global warming.
— Will Slaughter (@BamaBonds) January 21, 2025
If climate change is something that keeps you up at night, you are a gullible fool who has bought into an abusive religious cult.
And that's on media who push this agenda and hysteria.
They actually harm people.
Pretty funny.
— JIA (@JeremyinAkron) January 21, 2025
Yes it is.
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