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Democrats Can't Have It Both Ways


Today, we saw the Democratic Party engage in the biggest attempted usurpation of the Constitution in modern history. Joe Biden tried, through declaration of X, to add the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the Constitution. 'The 28th Amendment is the law of the land,' wrote whatever intern drew the short straw today, 'guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex.'

Just because Joe Biden took a page from the Michael Scott book of declaring things doesn't make it true. That his Fellow Democrats are doubling down on the message is also not surprising. It's all they've got; it's the dying gasp of a failed political party that is about to spend the next two to four years in the political desert.

So no matter how much they scream 'law of the land!', the Constitution does not have a 28th Amendment. This is a cynical ploy by a lame duck president whose party and VP were resoundingly rejected by voters on November 5.

They were rejected, in part, because of the insanely woke and unhinged social policies they support. This includes their unapologetic demand for abortion at all stages of pregnancy (an ideology completely out of touch with the majority of Americans) and support of 'trans' issues (again, completely out of touch with the majority of Americans).

No one ever accused the Democrats of being capable of learning, however, and I'm fine with that.

But I do have to wonder how they mesh their diehard support for the farcical ERA with something like this:

You'll notice front and center of that pic is newly installed congressman Tim McBride. Media will call McBride 'Sarah', and sing his praises as the first 'transgender congresswoman' to serve.


Tim McBride is a man, and always will be.

There is no world in which Democrats' support of the ERA is compatible with their ongoing support of trans ideology. Trans ideology has made it very clear: in order to be 'inclusive', we have to erase women from existence.

Women are 'egg producers' or 'womb owners' or 'birthing persons.' The gravid women among us are labeled 'pregnant persons', even in times of crisis. Men who pretend to be women -- including McBride -- demand access to our bathrooms, our locker rooms, our sports teams.

Men (often violent men with histories of assault, rape, and murder) who say they're women are given full access to vulnerable women in prison, and the ACLU will go to court on behalf of those men and their supposed 'rights.' The female inmates who speak out are subject to punishment and retribution for the 'crime' of ungoodthink.

Until a court struck down the Biden-Harris administration's rewrite of Title IX, the new rules would have not only redefined what we know as 'woman', but punished women and girls not in prison who -- as I am -- call men like McBride men, and object to their inclusion in our safe spaces.

This is in direct opposition to the Democratic Women's Caucus' supposed aim of making sure women are 'protected, uplifted, seen, heard, thriving, and free.' The Democrat Party's all-in approach to trans inclusion can only be done at the minimization, silencing, and oppression of women.

There is no point to the ERA (dead law though it may be) if the Democrats think the definition of women can be changed on a whim.

Women are not protected, uplifted, seen, heard, thriving or free under the rule of Democrats who don't even know how to define women. 

And certainly not under Democrats who include a man in a woman's caucus because he happens to wear a dress.


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