As the Biden-Harris administration (and the Left in general) continue to double down on trans ideology, Europe has decided on a different path: sanity rooted in science and protecting children.
Northern Ireland is going to permanently ban puberty blockers:
Puberty blockers to be permanently banned in Northern Ireland
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) December 11, 2024
An indefinite ban on the sale or supply of puberty blockers to under-18s is to come into effect in Northern Ireland.
Puberty blockers work by suppressing the release of hormones and can be prescribed to children questioning their gender.
In May, the Conservative government tightened rules on the drugs, introducing an emergency ban on them being prescribed by private and European prescribers.
That temporary ban was extended to Northern Ireland in August. Now, all five of the Executive parties in Stormont have voted to make that ban permanent.
The Cass Report, a groundbreaking insight into the gender treatment of children, found 'gaps in evidence' surrounding the drug and there is a dearth of research concerning their safety and the ability to reverse their impact.
— Hazel Appleyard (@HazelAppleyard_) December 11, 2024
Good. Saving many children from long term health issues & Allowing them to go through normal natural human puberty. If as a mature adult they then wish to make life altering choices that’s up to them…as adults not vulnerable children
— Sharron Davies MBE (@sharrond62) December 11, 2024
A lot of kids who identify as 'trans' outgrow that phase.
Blocking puberty does untold harm to them.
Great! And it’s time to continue the pressure and keep questioning more of this woke nonsense. We want to return to normal. Where people are judged based on merit, allowed to joke, and allowed to make mistakes. We want the new old normal!
— Bald Guy Money (@baldguymoney) December 11, 2024
Your lips to God's ears, friend.
Puberty is not a medical condition that needs to be fixed. No child is ‘trans’.
— Lola (@thefempire50) December 11, 2024
Yeah, puberty sucks sometimes. But there are ways to address the discomfort and awkwardness that don't involve life-altering drugs and surgeries.
As they should be. They are child-abuse.
— The Tyrannists’ Plan 🇲🇽🇺🇸 (@ElTiranistas) December 11, 2024
As should gender reassignment surgery for ANY person under 18. NO parent should be able to do that sort of thing to their child and NOT be imprisoned for 25 to life.
And most people don't care what adults do with their own bodies, but the kids should be off limits.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) December 11, 2024
Wow, indeed.
We don’t often get things right. So it’s refreshing when we do.
— David Moore (@belfastDGM) December 11, 2024
And they got this absolutely right.
This is common sense and should be policy everywhere.
— Joe (@JoeC1776) December 11, 2024
Yes. The Left love to tell Americans we should be more like Europe. Time for them to actually be more like Europe.
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