The gaslighting on the economy is the most insulting, ineffective, and damaging tactic the Democrats have used this election cycle. They can lie about a lot of things and largely get away with it. But they cannot tell people the economy is great when those people are seeing firsthand how much more expensive basic goods are, and that their income isn't keeping up with inflation.
But they keep trying, hoping maybe we'll stop believing our eyes and ears and start believing them.
Here's Wisconsin governor Tony Evers doing his part to carry water for the Biden-Harris economy:
Raddatz: Donald Trump's message is getting through.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 20, 2024
WI Gov. Tony Evers: "We have the greatest economy we've ever had... We're in good shape. People are making more money than they've ever made."
It's not.
In Wisconsin, for example, the 2022 median wage fell back to 2019 levels thanks to inflation. In other words, three years of wage growth were erased.
You'd think the governor of Wisconsin would know this.
He does not.
In what universe are American people making more money than ever? Wages are down over 3% while inflation is still raging.
— Lilly Wilson (@RealLillyWilson) October 20, 2024
In the delusional world of the Democratic Party's brain.
Wisconsin here
— Nicole (@BigNicEnergy) October 20, 2024
I'm surprised Tony can answer questions without Maggie Gau there to tell him what to say.
As a fellow Wisconsinite, this is brutal but accurate.
If things are so good, why do need to "Turn the Page"? @MarthaRaddatz?
— Paul Darling (@Crazybear6A) October 20, 2024
Weird how they can never answer that question.
Trump's message is hitting home while the governor claims the economy is at its best. What's the reality?
— Faran Bashir (@Saucy_Engineer) October 20, 2024
The reality is the economy is not great for a majority of Americans.
Imagine being the governor and blatantly disregarding your constituents' concerns and the reality that they're struggling just to appear "joyful" to refute what she's saying. I have a feeling this reality-denying strategy will backfire.
— MLS (@doghonesttruth) October 20, 2024
It'll be funny if Trump wins Wisconsin again.
How can they be this tone deaf?? They know people in the middle-lower classes are getting crushed at the grocery store right now. Evers calling this the "greatest economy we've ever had" is insulting.
— Conservazoomer (@Conservazoomer) October 20, 2024
Helping Kamala Harris is more important than helping the people of Wisconsin.
What's more convincing? This Democrat's propaganda or people's personal financial situation?
— Unauthorized Narrative (@mgEyesOpen) October 20, 2024
The Left loves to talk about honoring people's 'lived experiences', right up until those lived experiences hurt the Democratic candidate.
Kamala's surrogates think high inflation, rising credit card delinquencies, and unaffordable housing are "the greatest economy we've ever had."
— JD Vance (@JDVance) October 20, 2024
Vote accordingly!
(Pennsylvania registration closes tomorrow. So register by then.)
Vote accordingly indeed.
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