In September of 2022, Iranian morality police detained 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. They detained her because her hijab -- the mandatory headcovering the Islamic Republic demands women wear -- was 'loose' and while in the custody of the morality police, Mahsa died.
Police said she had a heart attack. Her family, as well as countless people in Iran and across the globe, didn't buy that story and believe she was beaten to death by the morality police for her 'crime.'
Following her death, protests erupted throughout the country with men and women taking to the streets. Women removed their hijabs. 22,000 people were arrested during the protests and at least 530 were killed. Others were injured and for many of them, the Iranian regime blinded them as punishment.
After Israel used exploding pagers to cripple Hezbollah, a Lebanon-based terror group funded by Iran, the Iranian government was more than happy to help the terrorists maimed regain their sight.
Iranian dissident and activist Alinejad Masih did a video with The Free Press about what she rightly calls Iran's glaring hypocrisy.
The same Iranian regime that has blinded scores of innocent women is now providing medical aid to Hezbollah operatives who lost their eyesight in last week’s pager explosions.
— The Free Press (@TheFP) September 24, 2024
Iranian dissident @AlinejadMasih says the hypocrisy couldn’t be clearer.
Where is the rest of the world?
Oh, that's right: they're calling on Israel to enter into a ceasefire because Israel is decimating Hezbollah.
The Biden-Harris administration insist they're concerned about women and women's rights, and only they will protect women from the evils of the world. By 'evils', of course, they mean 'Republicans' in general and 'Donald Trump' in particular.
Women beaten, jailed, and blinded by the Iranian regime?
We live in a truly upside down world where many Western governments are, tacitly, supporting terrorists over the rights of women and our allies while the Left, infected with a terminal case of antisemitism, are pretty darned vocal about supporting terrorist organizations.
What happened to 'democracy'? Women who don't wear a hijab aren't allowed to vote in Iran, while Arabs who are citizens of Israel enjoy full rights and Israel is the most democratic country in the Middle East.
What happened to 'women's rights'? Shouldn't women -- at a minimum -- be able to choose what they do with their bodies, including whether or not they wear a hijab in public, without fear of government reprisal? Seems a pretty basic ask for me. Kamala Harris will get in front of television cameras and repeated 'my body, my choice' like a mindless drone. But she will not condemn Iran as they blind women and aid actual terrorists.
Instead, they tossed billions of dollars at Iran. Billions that enabled Hezbollah to fire thousands of rockets indiscriminately at Israel and defend those groups from Israel's justified reprisals, including the exploding pagers.
Where is the outcry demanding Iran restore sight to the women (and men) they maimed, and doing so before treating known terrorists? Where are the joint statements from Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron condemning Iran's treatment of political dissidents?
There was a time when the Left would've been rightly outraged by this disgusting abuse of human rights, this disgusting abuse and oppression of women. Those days, however, are long gone.
I hope we, and the women of Iran, live long enough to see them return.